Exhibition World Issue 2 - 2022 | Page 17


Standing with Ukraine

he global exhibition

T industry has galvanised support for Ukraine in recent weeks , with the Society of Independent Show Organisers ( SISO ) one of the first off the mark , condemning the invasion and banning Russian members from accessing the society ’ s events .

Hervé Sedky , current chair of the SISO Board and CEO of Emerald , said : “ We cannot stand by and watch this conflict unfold without taking action . We have decided to suspend Russian members from participation in our events . We are also launching a fundraising campaign and contributing to the much-needed ongoing humanitarian efforts .”
SISO also pledged its support for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) and seeded its fundraising campaign with an initial $ 10,000 .
ExpoPlatform , the UK-based event tech company with founders hailing from Ukraine , also made an early call on the events community to stand with Ukraine . Founder ExpoPlatform Tanya Pinchuk said : “ The invasion is deeply personal . We have friends and family who have had to relocate far away from home .
“ All our teams at ExpoPlatform , from the UK , India , US , France , Portugal , and even colleagues in Russia , are united in standing against this evil and unprovoked attack on a modern democracy .
“ The events industry is built on bringing people together to exchange ideas freely and peacefully . These are the same values that Putin hates .”
An extraordinary meeting of the global association of the exhibition industry UFI ’ s Executive Committee in March acknowledged the work of members who have provided support for refugees , from converting venues into shelters to bringing supplies . UFI has called for donations to support the work of institutions helping on the ground – the International Red Cross , UNIFEC , and UNHCR and subsequently launched a consolidated call for donations through the association .
“ Our association , along with all collaborative international organisations , relies on a foundation of respect for all individuals and adherence to a rules-based order . The military actions launched by Russia in Ukraine contradict our most fundamental principles . They cannot be allowed to stand ,” the EC said .
UFI temporarily suspended access to its events and activities for representatives from Russian member businesses and will not award Russia any UFI events or onsite activities .
Managing director and CEO Kai Hattendorf commented : “ I am grateful for our association ’ s leadership to come to this clear response - balancing our association ’ s non-political stance while standing up for humanity . Therefore we # standwithukraine …. We understand that we must differentiate between the actions of the Russian leadership and the Russian people . Right now , we must focus on ending the inhumane activities . We must focus on emergency humanitarian support , to help as many individuals as we can , as an industry . Only then can we
“ The events industry is truly international , and is built on bringing people together to exchange ideas freely and peacefully . These are the same values that Putin hates .”
Below : Poznan Expo , open to helping Ukrainians use the role of events to help heal the human , cultural , and the economical wound , that will persist long after the violence has ended .”
Anbu Varathan , part of the UFI presidential ‘ Trio ’ and who served as the association ’ s president during 2021 , however , resigned from the association ’ s Executive Committee , following its decision to temporarily suspend access to UFI events and activities for Russian members .
Anbu said he hoped the Ukraine- Russia conflict ended soon , adding that he was “ not in agreement with the decision taken by the UFI Executive Committee to punish the Russian exhibition community ”. He said UFI “ should always stand for the entire exhibition industry and its position should not change even in the Russian-Ukraine conflict ”.
Grupa MTP , host of the upcoming UFI European Conference in Poznan , set up an aid warehouse where Ukrainians can also receive medical assistance , food , information and legal help . As of 26 March , 13,000 refugees had accessed the facilities .
Another professional voice on the ground in Ukraine , Valerii Pekar president of B2B exhibition organiser Euroindex Kyiv , and UFI Board member , told EW that the battle lines had been close to the Kyiv fairgrounds : he appealed for international support , saying : “ We ask for financial and humanitarian assistance , weapons , and equipment for Ukraine ”.
www . exhibitionworld . co . uk Issue 2 2022 17