Exhibition World Issue 1 - 2022 | Page 25


Holding on

Paul Woodward takes on an exhibition Mission Impossible and looks into the crystal ball at what may be coming down the events track in 2022
here is a moment

T in every Mission Impossible film where Tom Cruise almost falls off a tall building or out of an airplane . Cue high tension music and straining muscles as he , possibly assisted by the outstretched hand of one of his team members , claws his way back to safety .

Right now , having signed off from the Exhibition World guest editor role , it feels as though we ’ re only halfway back into the plane . Things were looking pretty good there for a while , but then along came omicron ( which sounds for all the world like something green and bubbling in a little vial that could cause catastrophe if the IMF team can ’ t foil the villain ).
At the beginning of June 2021 in my first comment as guest editor I spoke of the ‘ great reset ’ and the important contribution that exhibitions would make to that . That wasn ’ t all wrong , but it is certainly taking a lot longer than we all hoped for things to get back on track and the reset is far from complete .
We ’ re still seeing a topsy-turvy world where the US has celebrated being back to about 50 % of 2019 business levels in Q3 . Europe was also talking of roughly 50 %, although that seems to have been derailed in recent weeks by a winter delta wave in the northern
“ The larger players are speaking of 25 % of their revenues coming from data by 2024 ”
Above : Paul Woodward countries which have been hit by an omicron tsunami . We are , unfortunately , back in a world of show postponements and severe restrictions on travel , even lockdowns in some countries .
Mixed picture in Asia The picture is more mixed in Asia . China was looking set for a relatively normal year and Informa recently reported to its investors that its larger events were back at 85 – 90 % of pre-pandemic scale . But the Chinese government continues its aggressive zero Covid policy and the second half of the year has seen a number of lightning lockdowns and last-minute cancellations of important events in the major markets of Shanghai , Shenzhen , and others .
The rest of Asia is operating at very low levels with Informa also reporting only 15 % of 2019 business levels . India is now on a recovery track and , so far , seems to be avoiding the next wave . Only the most optimistic would imagine , however , that it can be spared at least some impact from omicron . ►
www . exhibitionworld . co . uk Issue 1 2022 25