Testing times temper
the event industry steel
It may be the Year of the Rat, that fleet-footed rodent that
comes first in the repeating Lunar Calendar mythology, but
one may be forgiven for questioning some of the legend and
magic attached. These include the Rat’s so-called ‘vitality’,
cruelly ironic given the seriousness of the coronavirus
outbreak in China in January.
As we went to press, millions of Chinese citizens
were confined to their homes rather than travelling to
celebrate the New Year. And it is not just the locals of Hubei
Province, where the virus was first identified, that have
been suffering. Tradeshows in public venues have been
suspended or cancelled across China, travel restrictions
have been introduced within the country and checks on
Chinese travelling abroad introduced.
It all goes to show what a delicate world we live in,
and what a fragile and precious industry we work in. I
remember the global recession of 2008-2010 and how it hit
our events industry hard, dishing out some painful lessons
in the process.
If there is one thing that eventprofs are used to, however,
it is uncertainty. Our experience has honed our ability
to take action in times of crisis. Indeed, the profession
regularly comes in the top five most stressful professions in
surveys around the world.
I think, as this current crisis plays out, it does the events
industry credit to see it standing by international colleagues,
being open about the problems (and a vast improvement
in previous ‘secretive’ behaviour on the part of Chinese
authorities of the past) and finding long-term solutions.
Indeed Chinese scientists were prompt to release the genetic
sequence of the virus online. In contrast, it took five months
to find the genetic material for the Sars virus back in 2002.
Shenzhen World has had to turn away its first
exhibitions, a real thunderstorm on its exhibition parade.
It’s time will come, and let’s hope that organisers stay
loyal to the destinations and venues that have served them
so well in good times, and return to run bigger and better
shows when conditions permit.
I hope that those struggling with issues seemingly beyond
their control, take comfort from the fellowship of the events
industry. And for those looking for advice to navigate
difficult waters, turn to your associations and government
Paul Colston
Managing Editor
Twitter: @ExhibitionWorld @paulcolston
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Issue 1 2020