Refining your sales strategy for
international success
Lee Ali, MD global exhibition engagement company Expo Stars, explains
how businesses can adapt their sales strategies for exhibiting success abroad
aking part in exhibitions
is key for businesses
to create new leads,
nurture relationships
and promote their products or
services. For businesses that trade
internationally, exhibiting abroad
can provide a great platform to get in
front of new audiences.
But with different countries come
different cultures, communication
styles and sales tactics. So, how do
you ensure you tailor your strategy to
fit the market and generate the best
possible return on investment from
your event?
Perfect your plan
Planning is a top priority when
maximising results at exhibitions, so
make sure you have a clear strategy.
Before you sign up to exhibit
abroad, you need to check it’s the
right fit for your business and target
audience. Have clear objectives,
outlining what you want to achieve
and understand how you’re going to
measure this.
Your objectives are likely to
change depending on where you’re
exhibiting. For example, in the
Middle East a lot of deals come from
strong relationships, therefore, it
is key to meet people face-to-face
when exhibiting to build these all
important connections.
It can help to find an exhibition
partner who has experience of the
local market and who can support
you. They can advise on local
customs and ways of doing business.
Of course, you might get some sales
during the event, but it’s more likely
that you should aim to follow up with
a meeting, free trial or some other
form of communication that gives
w w
your prospects a further opportunity
to find out how you could help them.
Long-lasting connections
More competition for businesses
to get noticed means buyers now
have to be savvier when it comes to
choosing who to work with or buy
from, and our company is moving
away from direct transactional
selling to a more consultative
approach in the B2B market.
According to the B2B Buyer’s
Survey Report, B2B customers
progress more than 70% of the
way through the decision-making
process before ever engaging a sales
representative. If you’re so focused
on what happens in the latter 30%
(pricing, discounts, and sales), then
you’ll miss the first 70% and wonder
why your pipeline isn’t filling up.
Instead, you need to look at
ways to inform, inspire and build
relationships – and the best way to
do this will depend on where you’re
exhibiting and who you’re doing
business with.
Get accustomed to the customs
Being aware of local practices and
customs is important. For example, in
many places in Asia it’s best practice
to give and receive business cards
with both hands. In Japan, bowing is
a typical way of greeting. Handshakes
sometimes occur, but you should let
the other person initiate it.
If you schedule in business
meetings at an exhibition in Brazil,
do not leave before the meeting has
officially ended, as leaving early is
considered rude.
There are lots of other customs
around the world – from avoiding
jokes when talking business in
If you
a business
meeting in
Brazil, do
not leave
it has
That is
thought of
as rude
Germany to joining in with a song
if you’re taken to a karaoke bar
in South Korea. The key here is to
research before you travel.
Learn the lingo
It can be extremely beneficial to
employ native speakers to engage
with attendees on your stand. Expo
Stars has 2,500 multilingual staff
worldwide trained in attendee
engagement and data capturing.
You may also need to get signage,
business cards, marketing brochures
and presentations translated, but
be careful to avoid mistakes or
Also, be aware of local taxes which
could impact your sale objectives for
an exhibition. For instance, Japan
doesn’t have VAT but it does have a
10% consumption tax. You should
also find out any restrictions on
products for import. For example, if
you’re a pharmaceutical company
or food manufacturer you could
well face restrictions on what items
you can show at exhibitions and so
may need to find alternative ways of
demonstrating your products.
Stay in touch
Make sure you start the ball
rolling during exhibitions by
encouraging contacts to commit to
an action after it is over, for example
booking a demo or scheduling a
conference call.
Preparation is clearly key to put
yourself in a good
place to form
profitable long-
term business
connections at
any event and any
Issue 1 2020 23