he Chinese government Shenzhen have been cancelled for the
has put travel restrictions time being – as in other Chinese cities.”
in place, and many high- Among the high-profile cancellations
profile events have been were TCT Asia, an exhibition for the 3D
cancelled, as the novel coronavirus printing industry, and The Disney Resort,
continues to spread. both in Shanghai.
All group tours have been banned from
was declared. Chief Executive Carrie Lam
a dent in incentives business across the appeared wearing a face mask at a press
region. conference, where she said new measures
Authorities in Beijing also shut down
China bans
travel and
cancels events
as coronavirus
major tourist sites such as the Forbidden
City and sections of the Great Wall. jwc
certain business travellers.
World, told EW that “all major events in
Among the high-profile cancellations were TCT
Asia, an exhibition for the 3D printing industry,
and The Disney Resort, both in Shanghai.
and local authorities, have issued and
decreed numerous counter-measures.
5-6 March in Macau, with a Digital
“Following this guidance, UFI has
Pacific Conference.
“Although we know that this is
disappointing, of course, we always put
association hopes to run it, “later in the the health and safety of our members
year”, at an undecided date. and staff first. Like many of you faced
with similar decisions, and after
said, in a statement: “Following the discussions with our hosts in Macau, we
developments around the outbreak have opted to postpone both events until
of the novel coronavirus in China, later in the year.
governance bodies from the World
Health Organisation to national, regional
w w
UFI postpones
Asia Pacific
Conference in
descided to postpone the 2020 UFI Asia
Innovation Forum on 4 March. The
UFI Managing Director Kai Hattendorf
Taiwan has also banned entry to many
helped design the new venue Shenzhen upcoming Asia Pacific
The event was due to take place from
visitors from mainland China.
travellers from China, with exceptions for
FI has postponed its
ongoing coronavirus threat.
would significantly reduce the number of
CEO Jochen Witt, whose consultancy
“Although we know that this is disappointing,
we always put the health and safety of our
members and staff first.”
Conference due to the
In Hong Kong, a state of emergency
travelling outside the country, leaving
“As soon as we have confirmed the
new dates, we will share them.”
Issue 1 2020 15