private jet flights landed near
Davos during the World Economic
Forum in the Swiss Alps in January
Event Industry Council
searches for CEO
The CEO of the Events Industry Council
(EIC), Karen Kotowski, has resigned her
post, the association has announced.
She has led the 30-plus member EIC for
10 years.
Chair of the EIC’s Board of Directors,
open for UFI NGL
grant and regional
Tina Wehmeir (pictured), said a search Applications are open for global trade
for a new CEO has begun: “We plan fair association UFI’s Next Generation
to identify a new CEO who brings a Leadership (NGL) grant.
global perspective and background to
The grant promotes next generation
help in further broadening the reach leadership in the exhibition industry,
of our organisations and certification rewarding professionals who show
programme.” clear initiatives in driving change and
The Board has said it will focus on
building upon the recent rebranding,
innovation in their area of activity.
Now in its fourth year, the programme
and look to extend the Certified Meeting is spread over 18 months (starting May
Professional (CMP) programme globally. 2019), allowing participants to continue
A search committee of seven
to fulfil daily work obligations. The grant
industry leaders, headed by IMEX will be awarded to up to five industry
Group CEO Carina Bauer, has been professionals in 2019 and the application
formed to find and evaluate candidates process is open until 1 March 2019.
The NGL Grant offers mentoring
to the post.
to support career ambitions, and an
opportunity to present ideas on the main
GL Events joins the €1 bn club
stage at the UFI Global Congress.
UFI also has tailored programmes for
three regional conferences over the next
three months:
- in Tokyo (Japan), 14-15 March
- in Dubai (UAE), 8-9 April
- in Birmingham (UK), 15-17 May.
See UFI website for details for
Freeman and PSAV
to acquire Encore
The Freeman Company and PSAV have
announced that they have entered into a
purchase agreement for PSAV to acquire
Encore Event Technologies.
Encore is a global provider of event
Global integrated event industry adverse exchange rate effect of as a publicly traded company technology, staging and production
group GL Events has announced €34m, offset by contributions by exceeding the €1bn revenue services. The transaction is expected to
2018 consolidated revenues from new acquisitions. milestone. close later this year, the terms of which
topping €1bn. International markets accounted
The €1.041bn total figure
represented a rise of 9% like-for-
for 50% of annual revenue.
Olivier Ginon, GL events’
“Reinforced by the capital
increase completed in October
will not be disclosed.
Encore operates as both an in-house
of last year, this double partner to some of the world’s leading
like, following completion of the Chairman, commented: “In 2018, anniversary was accompanied resorts, hotels and casinos, as well as
group’s ZZX acquisition in China. GL events marked the group’s by major growth projects in Asia providing creative production company
40th anniversary and 20th year and particularly in China.” for clients around the world.
Photo credit: Aniseed Photo
The company reported an
w w
Issue 1 2019