Advertising feature numbers could be reduced at short notice .
SAFMA utilised the regulations ’ minimum numbers , and the rest of the delegates attended virtually . The reduced in-person capacity caused a profit loss as virtual attendance , while cheaper infrastructurally , generated less revenue .
Lockdown and restrictions changed delegates ’ behavioural patterns . Pre- Covid-19 , commitments to attend events were usually kept , however post-pandemic delegates have become complacent when it comes to attending events . Following the pandemic , people are more crowd averse and likely to leave early . Currently , they are happy to sit at their desk and half-attend through a Zoom link while doing other things such as checking their emails .
It is also much harder to market an event for in-person attendance . For delegates to attend , a business event must be marketed well and have a strong programme and content .
Solving challenges with technology and innovation Delegate numbers for the SAFMA conference was minimised to manage the event ’ s costs and reduce the financial exposure . Sponsorship and support from corporates and organisations like the South Africa National Convention Bureau ( SANCB ) played a vital role in bringing the in-person component back . As a result , the Conference saw a profit in 2021 .
Covid-19 has been a massive driver in the enhancement of digitalisation , resulting in significant benefits for the event . The quality of speakers is one such benefit . Using the latest communication and broadcasting technology , the best quality international speakers could join for a session where previously travel costs would have inhibited their attendance . Despite SAFMA having a limited budget , the event was able attract a high calibre of speakers who could drive solid content .
SAFMA also virtually received guests that would not have attended because of financial or time constraints . Members in mineshafts in the Northwest or across borders in Botswana could virtually attend .
Partnering with the bid support programme There is a lot to be said for Brand South Africa ; a strong brand that audiences and markets easily recognise . To market your event and use the SA or the SANCB logo helps draw in quality local and international speakers .
Another benefit of aligning with the Bid Support Programme is access to their supplier and partner database . SANCB has invested time to mobilise smaller businesses in areas where an event will be held and give organisers access to this database so they can connect with relevant , reliable suppliers who tick all the boxes .
The SANCB team is established , boasting an incredible network and broad knowledge base . They know the lie of the land , making the journey easier and giving organisers peace of mind .
Legacy The SANCB Bid Support Programme provides options and support to branch out and try something new . It was the stepping stone that allowed SAFMA to move away from its comfort zone and do things differently . For 10 years , SAFMA was held at Gallagher Conference Centre in Midrand , followed by the Sandton Conference Centre for seven years .
This year SAFMA is branching out to George because of the support of a brand like SA Tourism , SANCB , and the Bid Support Programme . This support has given the association the confidence and peace of mind to try new things .
Benefits of meeting in-person Research has shown that humans like to roll in packs . There will always be a strong need for them to have a connection that comes with real touch . Face to face interaction allows the ability for ease of organic conversation that can create something new or drive a new idea . This is something you can ’ t get over Zoom .
Main learnings When dealing with virtual business events , be aware of giving people too much text when communicating about the event and the programme - provide lots of videos or a series of pictures .
In the context of having real conversations and networking , be ready to try new things and be ready to fail . For many reasons , delegates aren ’ t as open to engaging or networking as they were pre-pandemic , and organisers must try a variety of things to get people talking and engaging with each other .
However , as much as they are crowdaverse , delegates have also missed face to face interaction and appreciate there being a physical event for them to attend . There is much to be said and enjoyed when people can reconnect , catch up and network ! # ShareSouthAfrica
www . exhibitionworld . co . uk Issue 1 2023 33