Exhibition News October 2022 | Page 33

AUTUMN FAIR to the future , we will not only continue to connect buyers and sellers together , but we will also look for more from our manufacturers to offer buyers , retailers and wholesalers the opportunity to find suppliers who align with their own values . This opening ceremony to welcome the Zhejiang and Jiaxing manufacturing community to Autumn Fair and Moda represents a start of a new relationship , bringing Chinese manufacturers to Autumn Fair and Moda to trade , but also to let buyers buy with confidence as all manufacturers who come to our shows will have not only beautiful products but be committed to our responsible sourcing principles .”

Richard Hall , head of consumer goods and retail at the Department for Trade and Industry represented the UK at the trade show ’ s opening ceremony .
Singling out the importance of trade shows he said : “ The pandemic bought into sharp focus the importance of international trade . Trade in overseas markets is vital , it helps businesses grow faster , increase turnover and stability , spread the risk , benefits consumers , but it is important to do it in a sustainable way .”
Retail expert , broadcaster and businesswoman Mary Portas was a star attraction at the event . She spoke to retail audience on how to thrive in the new Kindness Economy , a term coined by Portas to reference her insights into how
Julie Driscoll
Nicola Meadows
“ All Hyve retail events create an important platform that facilitates trade in order to fuel UK retail ”
businesses must adopt kinder ways of behaving and how the secret to successful retailing lies in building relationships with customers and making shopping more brilliant .
Portas told delegates that how we live , buy and sell is changing , and argued that over the past thirty years the business of what we buy has been dominated by the biggest , fastest and cheapest . But those values no longer resonate and it is time to put people and planet before profit .
Visitors to the show were also treated to a visually stimulating presentation from TrendBible uncovering the consumer behaviours and lifestyle choices set to underpin product and design trends for the home in 2023 , and Promostyl ’ s Artistic Director Sebastien Renault hosted two future-thinking presentations exploring the upcoming trends in fashion and design .
Nicola Meadows , portfolio director at Autumn Fair said ; “ I ’ ve been overwhelmed by the positive vibe at Autumn Fair and MODA , it ’ s been a very smooth show and people are ready for change , to discover great new products and brands , to network and re-connect with their peers . Autumn Fair creates an incredible environment for the retail community to do business , hear from industry leaders , and be inspired .” EN
October — 33