As an association the Event Suppliers and Services Association has been working on a set of benchmarks so great suppliers can demonstrate their health and safety credential . ESSA Accredited is company level accreditation , with a focus on health and safety . But it goes further the trade association ’ s director Andrew Harrison says , covering insurance , training ,
certifications and more as well as training courses for members .
He says it is a great starting point for businesses to prove their credentials – but that the suppliers side of the industry is under mounting pressure and standards will inevitably fall if they are stretched further .
One of the biggest causes of lapses in good practice comes down to missed opportunities in communication .
Andrew Harrison |
He says : “ Delays in pertinent information within our industry can be a real inhibitor to what I would call ‘ the best we can be ’. Lost opportunities for communication between all stake holder groups . At the end game we ’ re basically a building site , and with every missed opportunity or delay in communication in the lead up to this , leads to greater pressure and delays when we can least afford it . If we think |
October — 15 |