Operating Onsite
A to B is
just the
Jeff Broom, exhibition services
manager at Europa Showfreight, on
keeping everyone happy and safe
while working onsite
“The event will
open whether
an exhibitor
has their goods
there or not, so
the challenge as
an exhibition
forwarder is to
make sure that
this happens
without fail”
50 — May
ver the past 20 years, Europa Showfreight
has managed the build-up, exhibition and
break-down of shows and events across the
The company has managed logistics at shows
and exhibitions all over the world, including
SCTS in London; ExpoElectronica in Moscow;
Toy Fair in New York; Routes Asia in Brisbane;
Glassman Latin America in Mexico; and
COTTM in Beijing. As well as its specialist
Showfreight division, Europa Worldwide Group
provides comprehensive logistics services
covering european roadfreight, air & sea and
warehouse operations.
This has provided many an insight into the
unique experience that showfreight operators
can face when working onsite.
We’ve worked all over the world from
Moscow to Singapore or Berlin to Birmingham
and there are common challenges to working
onsite, whatever the location, whatever the
product or show.
We work often in very cramped spaces but
regardless of the event we’re working to very
tight deadlines, the show must open on time.
Having the right crew who have experience
is essential, as is good and strong people
management skills.
If vehicles flow in and out of the venue
everyone is happy, the event opens on schedule
and everyone can have a stress free build up
and breakdown. Our first priority onsite is to
forge a good relationship with the venue’s traffic
marshals. A good working relationship with
these people and you can make your job and
theirs a whole lot easier.
Working to deadlines is the number one
priority. The event will open whether an
exhibitor has their goods there or not, so the
challenge as an exhibition forwarder is to make
sure that this happens without fail. People pay
a premium for our service, but they get that
certainty that their goods will be there for the
start of the event.
A growing area that is essential for onsite
working is understanding and being aware of
all legislation. This covers health and safety but
also having a deeper knowledge of the process
and intricacies of documentation such as
export or temporary import together with local
customs regulations. This is an essential area of
our business that can be often overlooked.
The correct preparation and submission of
customs declarations ,for example, can be the
difference between your goods arriving or not.
It’s crucial to ensuring your shipment gets to its
destination, and returns safely too.
Everyone is under time pressures so
that’s why experience is key in our business.
Successful showfreight is not just about getting
goods from A to B and onsite…that’s just the