associated print titles and over
90 educational live events
worldwide. The most recent
EBITDA of Last Word was £1.1m
so the initial price represents a
headline multiple of 7.3x with
some further growth-based
consideration to come.
The domination of the India
M&A scene by the German
Messes continues with the
news that Nürnbergmesse has
acquired India Mattresstech
expo, the trade fair for mattress
and upholstery manufacturing,
from Unitech exhibitions. In
2020 the show will be co-located
with Indiawood in Bangalore
which, along with Delhiwood
and Mumbaiwood, were acquired
by Nürnbergmesse last year
marking their entry into the
Indian woodworking and
furniture production sectors.
In Ireland, the Dublin-based
Sunday Business Post has
acquired iQuest, a company
organising 14 conferences and
summits covering business,
construction, banking and
finance, IT and property.
In Australia, Terrapinn has
acquired Accounting Business
Expo and Accountech Live from
National Media adding to their
existing portfolio of accounting
shows in the USA, Canada,
Singapore, Hong Kong and South
US home show organiser
Marketplace Events has made
another acquisition but this
time it’s not another home show
but a first move into the bridal
sector. The acquisition of the
Arizona Bridal Shows which
run twice each year in Phoenix,
Arizona is the 10th transaction
since Sentinel Capital Partners
acquired the company in 2016.
An interesting move from
Informa who have launched
Informa Ventures, a capital
fund that will make early stage
investments (seed and series
A) in start-ups in the business
information arena focussing
on content, intelligence and
connections. They will back
entrepreneurs with capital,
access to markets, mentorship
and expertise. This is firmly
aimed at their Knowledge and
Networking business but if this
becomes a success I wonder if
they will extend the idea to their
global exhibitions division.
I have mentioned recently
that M&A transactions hit an
all-time high in 2018 in terms of
the number of transactions, their
overall value and the number
of buyers. The activity shows
no sign of slowing down – in
fact the number of companies
approaching Mayfield for advice
on selling their business has
increased sharply in the first
quarter of 2019. Several of these
companies are still quite a way
from being ready to sell and
maximise the value for their
founders so we are running
the first in a series of seminars
aimed at entrepreneurs who
plan to sell their business in the
You can read about it on the
right – we’re looking forward to
welcoming you.
‘M&A the right way’
– A free-to-attend seminar
for independent organisers
Preparing your business for sale starts
long before it’s taken to market. Getting it
right helps you attract the best buyers and
secure the best price.
Mayfield Merger Strategies – specialist
broker in M&A for exhibitions, conferences
and events, Lee and Thompson – M&A
lawyers for the creative industries – and
Mash Media are inviting independent
organisers to hear from the experts about
how to ensure you are on-track for a
successful sale.
The event will cover:
• Understanding today’s M&A market and
the acquisition process – MMS
• Key legal issues to consider in preparing
your company for a sale – Malcolm
Murray, Lee and Thompson LLC
• Commercial Due Diligence best
practice - Jonny Baynes, Plural Strategy
• What makes a business an attractive
target? – Sam Jennings, Clarion Events
• The Private Equity approach – Kevin
Keck, Phoenix Equity
Where: The Soho Hotel, 4 Richmond
Mews, London, W1D 3 DH
When: Tuesday 4 June 2019
4-6pm, followed by networking drinks with
representatives of the main buyers
Register now: Limited spaces
for shareholders and directors of
independent organisers only (maximum 2
per company)
Reserve your space now by emailing
[email protected]
May — 11