“ You always like to be inspired by somebody that is ahead of you and it ’ s quite hard if there isn ’ t any female CEOs for others to look to .”
this is the phase to be truly embedded . Anything that we develop internally or any acquisitions we are 100 % focused on ‘ how well do these brands deliver to customers ?’ So that ’ s a real push from me personally .”
Hannant says the business is almost at the point of putting covid bounce back behind them and focusing on growth .
“ I would say that we are moving beyond recovery . It ’ s not across the whole organisation , as you would imagine , but in the US we were able to open shows much quicker . In some instances in the US we are in the third editions post pandemic , whereas if you think about the Singapore shows they are in the first edition , so there is there is a lag in terms of reopening .
“ There is still a little bit of recovery in some areas , but in other parts of the business , they ’ re already recovered and beyond what they were pre-pandemic . It ’ s more around growth and resilience . It ’ s the continuity of how we ’ re operating now , as opposed to completely new environments each time .”
Variety and agility As Hannant leads Clarion into the future she thinks it is the combination of live events and digital , as well as geographic spread and vertical variety that keeps Clarion agile and suits customer need .
“ We will still be very focused
internationally . We ’ ve got a diversified portfolio , which I want to maintain , I think that ’ s really important . We always want to be operating in exciting and markets , which have got innovation , growth and disruption . I think we , as an organisation do really well , in those markets . I believe we ’ ve got a real unique combination of scale , but also agility . We are quite unusual , I think , in that space , because we ’ ve got the benefit of having infrastructure in most parts of the world . But also , we have a way of working in the organisation , which still has an element of entrepreneurial spirit , we can move quite quickly , and do the right things at
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