Exhibition News December 2022 | Page 30


DeleGate delivers seamless , simple-to-use , software automation and efficiency to organisers who manage conferences , launches , and corporate events .
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All with a single solution . It s time for you to rethink convention .

The mother of all cleaning shows

Penny Moyses came up with the idea of her consumer show whilst on maternity leave . She tells Emily Wallin about the hurdles of starting a business , whilst running a family and a home and how she hopes the Clean and Tidy Home Show will help working women give up the guilt
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Inspired by the likes of cleaning gurus Mrs Hinch and Stacey Solomon on Instagram , Penny Moyses turned her maternity leave into an opportunity to launch a new business . Explaining how the idea came about , Moyses says : “ I started following the likes of Mrs Hinch and Stacey Soloman on Instagram a few years ago , it really piqued my interest . I was thinking it could be a really great concept for an event . At that point it was just a fleeting thought . But then

30 — December