Exhibition News December 2022 | Page 14


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Dominated by women , run by men

IBTM has released a new gender equality report focused on event managers in MICE saying that the industry is still “ dominated by women but run by men .”

IBTM ’ s gender equality report was carried out with the aim of starting conversations on the topic and helping to make a change . According to the study , men within the industry are more likely to occupy directorial positions than women . Taking a sample of 2,000 global LinkedIn profiles , only 16 % of the women included were at this seniority level compared to 32 % of men . The event management industry is not one that would appear to succumb to gender inequality at first glance , especially with women making up more than 75 % of the workforce according to the research . The findings are in line with noticeable trends across the global workforce , which receives frequent criticism regarding gender equality within the workplace . As part of the report , Gabrielle Austen-Browne , founder of Diversity Alliance and co-founder of the Diverse Speaker Bureau , shared five tips on creating a more diverse and genderbalanced workplace . Austen-Browne advises that organisations and companies create a feedback process that monitors the team members ’ progress and offers frequent feedback . RX Global , IBTM ’ s parent company , they have launched a ‘ Women in Tech ’ mentoring scheme and a Gender Equity Committee .

Five tips for creating a more diverse and gender-balanced workplace
Gabrielle Austen Browne , founder of Diversity Alliance and co-founder of the Diverse Speaker Bureau , has shared her insight and thoughts on how to create a more diverse and gender-balanced workplace .
Ensure everyone understands and models inclusive behaviours . Only when everyone is on the same page can you start to create a truly inclusive and diverse workplace culture , she says . Make sure diversity is reflected at all levels . There is no point talking the talk if you ’ re not walking the walk . Diversity should be reflected at all levels , including at the top . Reflect on recruitment data and assess the shortcomings . Are shortlisted applicants balanced in terms of background , gender and other diversity Austen-Browne asks ? Look at gender gaps and normalise conversations around this . When it comes to these diversity and inclusion gaps , such as an unbalanced leadership team , biased practices or a gender pay gap , encourage people to speak up about them . Establish initiatives that will create a more gender-balanced workplace . Examples include mentorships or female leadership programmes or a talent development plan that will directly support those looking to move into leadership positions .
14 — December