Exhibition News December 2020 | Page 5


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Exhibition News Magazine

Buckle-up , 2021 is coming next

So this is Christmas , as John Lennon once sang .

You can ’ t help but look back on 2020 from an events perspective with total and utter disbelief . For me personally , I ’ d been looking forward an incredible summer of sport , which should have included the Euros and the Tokyo Olympics .
Instead , like so many across the exhibitions industry , I ’ ve had to adapt , and try to envisage an optimistic future , which doesn ’ t feature a global heath risk .
We ’ re told that this future is almost here . At time of writing , results from two of the 50 global vaccines currently being tested have provided enough optimism to suggest that an end to this nightmare is finally in sight . But what will 2021 really look like for the exhibitions industry ?
The international movement of people , goods and services will no doubt face disruption from Brexit come 1 January , so if your business struggles over the past nine months have distracted you from preparing for our departure from the EU , the time to refocus was yesterday .
As a bare minimum , understand how staff will get in and out of the EU , have contingencies for what happens if trucks get held-up , and take advice on regulatory risk assessment to ensure that cross-border finance and data handling can proceed .
Just as a return to work won ’ t see a return to old ideas around working practices , a return to the exhibition hall is unlikely to look the same as the last time we were there .
As an industry , we need to understand forthcoming changes in human behaviour and innovate , placing particular emphasis on sustainability solutions .
One key outcome of the pandemic will see greater scrutiny of carbon footprints , especially from large corporates with CSR targets to meet . We must therefore evolve at speed so that exhibitions can offer effective solutions , rather than wait until they ’ re seen as the problem .
Watching UEFA Euro 2020 staged in the summer of 2021 will be confusing enough . But witnessing this industry still suffering because it has been too slow to adapt to Brexit or changes in consumer demand will be downright heartbreaking .
To quote Lennon again , let ’ s hope it ’ s a good one , with nothing to fear .
Mike Fletcher , Acting Editor
December — 05