Exhibition News December 2020 | Page 10

looking down at your colleagues to make sure everyone is being “ rewarded fairly and has access to equal opportunities ”. When looking sideways , “ don ’ t assume you are being blocked because of your gender ” says Carter , even though this often is a contributing factor . Instead , consider other factors first which are in your control to help you dismantle or work around the barrier , such as changing your environment or enhancing your skillset . “ We must remember that barriers for parity in our industry isn ’ t exclusive to women ,” shares Foster . Businesses need to take a holistic stance and strive for a “ culture of inclusion ” in all areas , such as race , sexual orientation and age , agrees Hannant and LohMirmand . By including this range of viewpoints and experiences , you will not only achieve “ good business outcomes ” as Hannant suggests , but you will also build “ better teams , better businesses and better cultures ,” says Foster . Like other professionals in many industries , the panellists have experienced these types of barriers during their careers . From candidates not wanting to report to a female manager , to women having to choose between work and family and being apologetic when they have to choose the latter . Even when women do break down barriers and become the first female president of a company , like Larkin , they can simply be seen as a “ token ”. She stresses that “ the more comfortable people become with seeing women in the industry going to the top , the better for everybody .” Larkin adds that it is not the first female or the second , it is the fourth and fifth , which will finally break down these barriers . It is important to remember that “ dismantling barriers is about working together ,” says Foster . “ Not only as males or females , but as groups , leaders , and teams to make sure there is parity in everything we do ,” he adds . So what positive action can we take ? Try simple things like introducing blind CVs to remove the unconscious bias during your recruitment process . Have an open dialogue with your employees about flexible working patterns , such as shared parental leave or part-time hours to accommodate for a healthy work-life balance . This way , your employees won ’ t have to put a pause on their career or miss out on big family moments . Next , promote more women into leadership positions , as “ leadership defines it all ,” LohMirmand and Hannant suggests . Leadership should be about mentoring and sharing powerful stories where women are successful to ensure it will become “ entrenched in the culture and part of your company ’ s DNA ,” says LohMirmand . Female leaders can also encourage other women to speak up and help increase their visibility in meetings ,
“ The more comfortable people become with seeing women in the industry going to the top , the better for everybody .” which often have a “ laddish culture ”, states Carter and Foster . This will ultimately ensure women feel more confident in the work environment , whilst feeling seen and heard . Remember , there is only one way to change the number of people at the table and that is to change the number of people at the table , states Foster . So take a look at your leadership positions and ensure there is an equitable male to female ratio . Over to you . What action can female eventprofs both future and present take ? The panellists encourage women to take every opportunity that is presented to them . “ Be brave and authentic ,” they say . This means saying yes to panel discussions , showing interest in promotions and expanding your network . However , Foster emphasises that being brave doesn ’ t necessarily mean shouting about it or adapting to laddish culture . It is about taking a step back from this environment , putting yourself forward and choosing an appropriate time to do so . Try speaking to your boss in your annual review and ask what skills you need to build on to achieve that next promotion . If you “ take responsibility , be proactive , don ’ t apologise and put yourself in the driving seat ,” as Carter says , you will be sure to break down any barrier that stands in your way .
10 — December