Sector Focus
Other UK Events
A selection of other events
(of which there are many)
within the healthcare
events industry
» Care Roadshow London
– Organised by Broadway
Events, the Care Roadshow
is a series of regional care
events across the UK.
The events aim to inspire
and enlighten those within
the healthcare sector,
especially carehome
owners and care managers.
» Dementia, Care &
Nursing Home Expo
– Organised by Prysm
Group, The Dementia, Care
& Nursing Home Expo is
the UK’s only free event
dedicated to the social care
industry, and is attended by
5,500 care home, nursing
home and domiciliary care
business owners.
» Med-Tech Innovation
Expo – The Med-Tech
Innovation Expo is
organised by Rapid News
Group. It focuses on
medical device design
and manufacture, and
is aimed at engineers,
designers, innovators and
manufacturers of medical
devices from across the
medical and healthcare
» Naidex – Naidex
is dedicated to the
independent living and
healthcare industries.
The event, organised by
Pyrsm Group, showcases
the latest innovations
in accessible design,
care, mobility, moving
and handling, assistive
technology, inclusive
sports, travel and more.
factors in the prevention of
Whilst UK healthcare has
shown consistent growth
over recent years, it faces
some unique challenges.
When it comes to digital
health, although there is
a clear need to push the
digital agenda, progress is
being hindered by political
uncertainty, lack of funding
and clear direction, and a
technologically unprepared
Healthcare has
struggled to embrace the
technological and digital
revolution at the same pace
as other sectors, but the
benefits of doing so are clear
as technology continues
to develop rapidly, and the
use of Big Data and the
Internet of Things promises
to play a significant role
in digital health and care
in the future. Digital
Transformation was a key
pillar of the NHS Long
Term Plan (announced at
the start of the year), and
with the introduction of
NHSX this summer we
will hopefully see clearer
direction and faster progress
in implementing digital
transformation in the NHS.
NHSX recently published
the results of a consultation
with tech suppliers and
innovators on what their
priorities should be to
drive a user-
centred approach
to digital
across the health
and care system,
and five key
themes came out:
transparency in
standards and
interoperability, addressing
barriers to procurement,
improving engagement to
the market, increasing the
digital capability of NHS
staff, and support for the
scaling of products.
Healthcare Excellence
Through Technology
(HETT) tackles the need for
the NHS to evolve digitally.
HETT has been designed
by the healthcare sector, for
the healthcare sector; their
steering committee, made
up of digital leaders and
champions representing all
parts of the sector, along
with their supporters,
has helped them to create
an event which brings
together stakeholders
involved throughout
healthcare provision. These
stakeholders help drive the
real conversation around
digital transformation in
HETT portfolio director
Corby Ganesh said: “The
feedback we’ve had from
attendees, speakers and
exhibitors alike has been
overwhelmingly positive,
supported by Explori visitor
and exhibitor satisfaction
scores of 4.09 and 4.08
respectively, well above the
industry benchmarks. HETT
2019 was a huge success
and what struck me most
was just how engaged and
engrossed everybody was
across the two days.
The next stage of
HETT’s evolution
is to build on the
communities we
created this year,
continue to deliver a
focus on real
issues and the
solutions to
them, as well as a forum
for honest discussion and
debate around digital
CloserStill Media has
two strong events in the
healthcare market, and a
third launching. Health
Plus Care and the Digital
Healthcare Show, 24-25
June at ExCeL London
(in conjunction with The
Residential & Home Care
Show and The IPC & Patient
Safety Show), aimed at
healthcare professionals
tasked with healthcare
delivery in the UK. This
ranges from CIOs to
CEOs with the focus on
collaboration between
healthcare organisations
tasked with delivering
sustainable change across
the UK health and care
Event director Lee Davies
said: “Health Plus Care and
the Digital Healthcare Show
is a unique platform where
stakeholders across health
and social care get the
chance to come together to
find those how-to solutions
which can really make an
impact to patient outcome.”
CloserStill will also be
launching Future Surgey in
2020 at ExCel London, an
event aimed at those in the
surgical sector.
On a final note, there is a
feeling that the NHS could
have bitten off more than
it can chew by putting on a
large-scale event like NHS
Confed Expo 20. Now is the
time to work closer with
event organisers and explore
and support new ideas that
will help shape the NHS of
tomorrow and help dig it out
of a very large hole. EN
December — 25