Exhibition II | Page 99

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Nature does not need you, you need nature. Humans do not destroy nature they work with her, so that both humans and nature can live. People might need food more than moorlands. The human population is growing and we need shelter to protect them. Many of the plants we find in moorlands help cure diseases.

People may need food to survive, plants may need food to survive, if humans keep destroying the moorlands they will both die. Humans have to stop worrying so much about the moorlands being dirty and "go help", being in danger and"go help", whenever people "go help", we are just making it worse every time we step on it. We should just leave it alone, to recover alone, like nature does.

The human population is growing and we need shelter to protect them. Most people believe that the moorlands are not important, but it really is one of the most important places in the world. They are our only natural source of purified water. Some people do not think it is such a big problem if we exploit and destroy the moorland to make homes, but this is wrong.

Many of the plants found in the moorlands are used as medicines. Some believe that these plants are sacred and people use the plants in rituals and for curing diseases in their communities, if people keep on doing this, the curative plans may quickly become extinct.

The question therefore must be: should we destroy the moorlands? Humans can work with nature in harmony, so that they both survive. Leaving the moorlands alone to recover by themselves is the way to go, since it is how nature works.

Moorlands, Nature's Medicine Chest

By Julieta Orourke