To summarize, mining is a very powerful movement nowadays, specially in Colombia. It can improve the economy of the country, open new job opportunities and provide us with materials for our daily life. However, mining can be damaging and destructive talking about health and life style of miners, and people living near the mining sites, causing disorders and diseases that do not have any cure. Whole communities are displaced from their homes due to mining, such as indigenous people, afro-decendants and farmers. In addition to this, mining causes damages to the biodiversity and nature in our country, contaminates water bodies, pollutes the air, and causes deforestation. Although the legal mining causes less negative impacts than illegal mining where precautions are not taken, legal mining still harms the environment if it is done in a excessive way.
We should take care of the beauty and diverse country we live in. We should take action and support foundations and campaigns against illegal mining, that is a very frequent struggle in Colombia. Help your planet, we need you. Your Home, Your World, Your Responsibility.