Exercise Guide | Page 9

Is Exercise Just Moving More ?

When you think of exercise , what comes to mind ? Fancy gym equipment , expensive athletic clothing , marathon running or bodybuilding ?


Is Exercise Just Moving More ?
It can be all or none of that . Exercise is something all of us can do , anytime , anywhere . It can — and should — be enjoyable and available , no matter your health , fitness level or lifestyle . For some , exercise is outdoor cycling . For others , it ’ s pickleball . Still others , it ’ s water aerobics , boxing or dancing .
So is exercise just moving more ? Yes and no . There ’ s movement , or physical activity , and then there ’ s exercise , which is a specific type of physical activity . Physical activity describes any movement throughout the day — around the house , at work , on errands , with hobbies and more . This could be cleaning your apartment , taking the stairs instead of the elevator , walking to a colleague ’ s office , standing at your desk while you work , bowling , gardening , bird watching , golfing , mowing the lawn , playing with your kids or grandkids , or other low-impact , low-intensity activities . We all should try to move more and sit less . Regular movement helps mood , digestion , sleep and many other aspects of daily life .
But we need regular exercise , too , which brings more and bigger benefits . Exercise is structured , repetitive , goal-directed movement to maintain or improve wellbeing and physical fitness . It ’ s planned , purposeful , focused movement that translates to a healthier heart and brain , less bothersome disease symptoms and the ability to move throughout the day — to rise from a low chair , get into and out of the car , walk up stairs , navigate the grocery store — with greater ease .
Enjoy Leisure Activities Golf , gardening , bowling , tennis
Do Aerobic Activities Fast-paced walking , treadmill or elliptical , cycling , swimming
Stretch / Strengthen Add weights and stretching to your regular routine
Enjoy Recreational Sports Tennis , badminton , dance , boxing
Above All , Sit Sparingly Aim for 10,000 steps per day . Walk the dog . Take the stairs instead of the elevator . Park your car farther away from the shops .
Engaged PD workbook ; Teachers College , Columbia University , New York , New York and Cardiff University , Cardiff , Wales