Exercise Guide | Page 69


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Shih HS , Macpherson CE , King M , Delaney E , Gu Y , Long K , Reid J , Fineman J , Yu G , Rieger J , Satchidanand A , Shah H , Alcalay RN , Quinn L . Physical Activity Coaching via Telehealth for People With Parkinson Disease : A Cohort Study . J Neurol Phys Ther . 2022 Oct 1 ; 46 ( 4 ): 240-250 . doi : 10.1097 / NPT . 0000000000000410 . Epub 2022 Sep 1 . PMID : 36170256 .
Sparrow D , DeAngelis TR , Hendron K , Thomas CA , Saint-Hilaire M , Ellis T . Highly Challenging Balance Program Reduces Fall Rate in Parkinson Disease . J Neurol Phys Ther . 2016 Jan ; 40 ( 1 ): 24-30 . doi : 10.1097 / NPT . 0000000000000111 . PMID : 26655100 ; PMCID : PMC4681297 .
Van der Kolk NM , de Vries NM , Kessels RPC , Joosten H , Zwinderman AH , Post B , Bloem BR . Effectiveness of Home-Based and Remotely Supervised Aerobic Exercise in Parkinson ’ s Disease : A Double-Blind , Randomised Controlled Trial . Lancet Neurol . 2019 Nov ; 18 ( 11 ): 998-1008 . doi : 10.1016 / S1474-4422 ( 19 ) 30285-6 . Epub 2019 Sep 11 . PMID : 31521532 .
“ I think about this as risk management . I balance exercising as much as I can with the fear of hurting myself . I don ’ t know where the line is . As you get older , knowing which exercises to do and not do becomes harder . My knee has early osteoarthritis , so now I watch how much I run . And if I do too many chin-ups , I start to have tendon problems . So I ’ m constantly reevaluating .”
Parkinson ’ s community member