Exercise Guide | Page 66


Make Your Move


This resource list is intended to point you in the right direction and highlight available resources . It is not a comprehensive list and is not an endorsement of any specific organization , provider or program .
Exercise Care Team Members
Parkinson ’ s doctor , or Movement Disorder Specialist
The International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society : mds . movementdisorders . org / directory
Physical Therapist or Occupational Therapist
American Physical Therapy Association : aptaapps . apta . org / APTAPTDirectory / FindAPTDirectory . aspx
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment ( LSVT ): lsvtglobal . com / LSVTFindClinicians
PWR ! Power Wellness Recovery : pwr4life . org / professional-directory
OT Potential : otpotential . com / occupational-therapy-directory
Music Therapist
The American Music Therapy Association : netforum . avectra . com / eweb / DynamicPage . aspx ? Site = amta2 & WebCode = IndSearch
Community Connections
Parkinson ’ s Buddy Network : parkinsonsbuddynetwork . michaeljfox . org
Parkinson ’ s Unity Walk : unitywalk . org
Run , Walk and Cycle Series : michaeljfox . org / news / run-walk-cycle
Team Fox Endurance Events : michaeljfox . org / team-fox-endurance
Parkinson ’ s Exercise Programs
Dance for PD : danceforparkinsons . org
Daily Dose PD : dailydosepd . com
Delay the Disease : ohiohealth . com / services / neuroscience / our-programs / delay-the-disease
In Motion : beinmotion . org