Make Your Move
Does surgery or medication affect exercise ?
Deep brain stimulation ( DBS ) or focused ultrasound ( FUS ) surgery , or medications that include stomach tubes , infusion devices or pumps may impact which activities you can safely or comfortably do . Always talk with your PD doctor and surgeon , who will advise when to restart or how to adjust exercise after a procedure or medication change .
After DBS , doctors generally suggest avoiding aerobic exercise or stretching of the arms or chest muscles , such as when swinging a golf club or tennis racquet , doing yoga or lifting weights , for four to six weeks . As you gradually resume normal activity , steer clear of activities with sudden , repeated or vigorous bending , twisting or stretching . A few people have had trouble swimming after DBS , so test your ability in the shallow end of a pool and swim with someone else , only when you feel fully “ on .” Because focused ultrasound does not involve a device , there may not be significant restrictions after the initial recovery .
Those with medication infusion pumps ( such as for levodopa / carbidopa gel ) should disconnect the pump before water activities and carefully clean the tube and skin after . Ask your doctor how to dose medication before disconnecting so you have enough for your workout .
When starting or changing any medication , for Parkinson ’ s or otherwise , be cautious in the days and weeks following . Watch closely for side effects , such as lightheadedness , dizziness , shortness of breath or fatigue , that can impact exercise .
“ Play ! I ’ ve done exercise where I ’ m down on all fours , loudly urging on a voice-activated stuffed animal , racing another person doing the same . I ’ m working my body and voice , socializing and having fun !”
Larry Gifford
Does exercise “ use up ” medication ?
There ’ s no evidence that exercise increases your medication needs . Instead , it may actually improve how well and how long your medication works . With exercise , brain chemicals like dopamine ( which decreases in Parkinson ’ s ) and serotonin are released into the bloodstream . This can temporarily improve motor symptoms and boost mood . Remember , medication helps you exercise and exercise helps your medication .