Exercise Guide | Page 6


Make Your Move

Community Contributors

We are grateful to members of The Michael J . Fox Foundation ( MJFF ) Patient Council , the PD Movers and the broad Parkinson ’ s community who supported creation of this resource by sharing questions , experiences and feedback . Special thanks to :
Jimmy Choi
Age 47 ; Diagnosed 2003 Bolingbrook , Illinois
Favorite exercise : single leg Romanian deadlift
Hadley Ferguson
Age 46 ; Diagnosed 2010 with PD , 2013 with MSA Missoula , Montana
Favorite exercise : stretching and manual manipulation ; previously biking , Pilates , yoga and hiking
Denise Coley
Age 72 ; Diagnosed 2018 Palo Alto , California
Favorite exercise : core , elliptical , aquatics
Claudia Garrido-Revilla
Age 58 ; Diagnosed 2010 Peoria , Illinois
Favorite exercise : swimming
Sandra Coplin
Age 66 ; Diagnosed 2016 North Haven , Connecticut
Favorite exercise : walking and moving with grandchildren
Larry Gifford
Age 51 ; Diagnosed 2017 Vancouver , British Columbia
Favorite exercise : performing improv comedy