Katrina Long , occupational therapist and guide co-author , shares tips .
Seated exercises Standing exercises
What if Life or Parkinson ’ s Gets in the Way ?
Sit in a stable chair , with a back and without wheels . While sitting , with your arms supporting you on the chair seat , do leg lifts for aerobic exercise . Alternate lifting each leg with the knee bent . For strength exercise , attach bean bags or light weights to your ankles . Also practice straightening your leg in front of you . Straighten your knee as far as possible , hold and relax . Repeat on the other leg . This builds leg strength and knee flexibility .
Stand behind a stable chair and hold the back with one hand for balance . For aerobic exercise , march in place , alternating legs . Lift your knee as high as possible , as if trying to reach your chest . Keep your back straight and don ’ t crunch forward . Alternate which hand you use to hold the chair for balance . it ’ s barely noticeable . For others , it ’ s bothersome . When significant , dyskinesia can impact everyday activity , walking or balance and even cause weight loss or fatigue . And all of these symptoms can , of course , affect ability to exercise .
+ Budget wisely . Each of us has a certain amount of energy to give . Dyskinesia takes some of that . If you think of energy like money , imagine you have one dollar to spend per day . Dyskinesia takes 20 cents , so you ’ ve got 80 left . How can you spend that wisely ? Give activities a cost , like five cents for standing from sitting , 10 for going up and down stairs , a quarter for walking around the block . Rest breaks earn money back . Avoid overspending , which means you ’ ll be in a deficit the next day and not able to do as much .
+ Pace yourself . Try “ exercise snacks ” — short periods of movement every few hours . This spreads activity and energy use throughout the day , so you don ’ t use too much at once . If dyskinesia comes on , you can skip a snack or two where needed .
Cramping ( dystonia ): “ My muscles spasm when I exercise .”
Dystonia is muscle cramping , spasm or tightening that pulls the fingers , toes or other body part into an awkward , sometimes painful position . Examples include your head turning sideways , foot twisting inward or toes