Exercise Guide | Page 39

Cues to Move through Freezing
Internal Cues
+ Positive attitude : Reconnect with the here and now . Tell yourself you won ’ t be stuck forever . Picture best-case scenarios , such as no freezing or quickly overcoming it . Limit worry and stress , where possible , as these can trigger freezing .
+ Mental rehearsal : Pause . Review and visualize the actions to take a step — lift leg , lift foot , swing forward , etc . Then do it .
+ Internal dialogue : Repeat “ big steps ” in your mind .
+ Visualization : Imagine an object , such as a log or line on the floor , as a target to step over .
+ Gentle movement : Rock back and forth or shift your weight side to side to build momentum .
External Cues
+ Floor markers : Focus on a change in floor pattern you can cross with your next step .
+ Cue cards : Break movement into a series of steps . Write these on a card and post where you typically freeze .
+ Lasers : Project a horizontal line , as a target to step over , via a device attached to a shoe , cane or walker .
+ Verbal commands : Recite “ 1 , 2 , 3 , go ” out loud .
+ Music and rhythm : Hum a tune and step or march to the beat .
+ Touch cues : A tap on the shoulder from a loved one , for example , can break freezing .


What if Life or Parkinson ’ s Gets in the Way ?
An example of a “ sit to stand ” cue card
1 . Move bottom to front of seat .
2 . Place feet on the floor , close to the chair and slightly apart .
3 . Put hands in position ready to push down on armrests or side of chair .
4 . Lean forward with your nose over toes . 5 . Push down through your legs and arms . 6 . Count “ 1 , 2 , 3 and UP .”