Exercise Guide | Page 21

Make the Most of Exercise in the Least Time
Start your exercise routine with flexibility as a warm-up . Then consider including the three major types of exercise ( aerobic , strength , balance ), which are depicted in primary colors ( red , blue and yellow respectively ).
Blended exercise programs ( secondary colors ) combine different types of exercise to help you be more efficient with your personalized exercise routine . You can add cognitive dual tasking for additional benefit . This is doing two or more tasks , like walking and talking , performing a balance activity while counting backwards , or doing simple math while running . Talk with your physical therapist or other exercise professional to see if this is advised and how you can do this safely .


What , Exactly , Should I Do ?
Flexibility / Stretching Warm-up
Cognitive Dual Tasking
Flexibility / Stretching Cooldown
Flexible Balance Some balance classes , including yoga or Pilates , include flexibility , too
Agility Training Exercises ( which are moving while maintaining balance — like standing on one foot and
Circuit Training reaching arms out ) Exercise session alternates between strength , balance and aerobic activities
Balance , Agility , Multitasking
Strong Balance Doing dynamic balance activities while using hand weights or a weighted vest
Cardio Weights Using lighter weights but doing more repetitions so your heart rate increases
Courtesy of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy