Exercise Guide | Page 15


Exercise : One Ingredient in a Healthy Mix for Life

Movement and exercise are key to living as well as possible , whether you have Parkinson ’ s or not . But there are other , just as important , factors . These include :
Remind Me Why I Should Exercise
+ What you eat :
Eating mostly whole , unprocessed foods — fruits , vegetables , whole grains , legumes and beans — can boost mood and energy , improve digestion and enhance overall well-being . And the better you feel , the more likely you are to move .
+ How you connect :
Meaningful relationships are good for the heart , brain and soul . The more we engage with others , the more we exercise our brains and move our bodies . This can be challenging around the time of diagnosis or later in disease , but there are ways to connect and limit loneliness , including one-to-one or virtual visits .
+ How you sleep :
Aim for seven to nine hours each night , knowing you may need a little more or less , and that Parkinson ’ s and other conditions may impact sleep . Invite good sleep by moving throughout the day , eating healthy foods and getting natural light exposure .
+ How you manage stress :
Stress can temporarily worsen PD symptoms , interfere with sleep and affect food choices , which can all negatively influence exercise . You can ’ t get rid of stress , but you can limit its impact . Exercise is one way , but there are others — practicing mindfulness , journaling , creating art , listening to music or talking with a counselor or confidant .
Richard Huckabee , left , and Michael Fitts find connecting over a workout at the gym helps them live well with Parkinson ’ s .
+ Whether you limit risky substances :
Be as kind to your body as you can . Give it good fuel — healthy food and lots of water — and avoid harmful substances like cigarettes , too much alcohol ( more than one drink a day for women or two for men ) and , where possible , pesticides and other toxic chemicals .