Executive Summary | Page 11

o It allowed for some pasture utilisation .
o There was some indication using cattle to improve land condition could achieve improvements more rapidly than excluding cattle forlong periods .
o However , there was no firm consensus on how quickly land condition D or C could be improved with cattle management , with suggestions that the duration for improvement ranged from 1 to 10 years or more .
• There was consensus species composition was of secondary importance to achieving ground cover . The main game was to achieve an increase in green biomass , irrespective of pasture species . As several graziers commented : “ Indian couch is better than bare ground ”. There was also consensus that plant diversity was beneficial and desirable .
• In landscapes with poor land condition , and particularly when dominated by Indian couch , measured land condition was sensitive to seasonal conditions .
• The biological carpeting trial at an alluvial gully site demonstrated this technique could
Field days and project site inspections were well attended .
help to establish vegetation cover on hostile soil sites , where animal welfare considerations could be satisfied .
• Enhancing soil health or soil biological activity with
Executive Summary — P11