Executive PA Magazine Winter 2023 Executive PA Magazine Winter 2023 | Page 8

“ Talking about her ‘ blind determination ’, Karen is a woman who lost her sight and has an incredible vision for a resilient future ”


Welcome to the second issue of Executive PA Magazine for 2023 – I ’ m so excited to share it with you !
As a new mother of twins , also balancing work life , home life and a characterful five-year-old , I must admit that some days , things get HARD . But talking to Karen McCarthy for our main editorial feature made me stop and think about how I can stay physically and psychologically healthy and capable of pursuing my priorities during these tricky times . Talking about her ‘ blind determination ’, Karen is a woman who lost her sight and has an incredible vision for a resilient future . Turn to page 18 to be inspired . Talking of thought-provoking people , we profiled two talented EAs this issue . You ’ ll find the story of Jo Jones ( who you may recognise as our new career columnist ) on page 22 whilst Sydney-based Brianna Matkovich talks about why teachers should suggest being an EA as a career option for high school students on page 50 .
If you need to boost your professional development , turn to the back pages . You ’ ll find expert commentary on everything from imposter syndrome and sustainable workloads to the onemonth email rule and the science of focus . Looking for something lighter ? Gastronomer ’ s Guide heads to Kingfisher Bay Resort on in K ’ gari / Fraser Island and gets all the juicy details of Sanjay Singh ’ s signature dish .

“ Talking about her ‘ blind determination ’, Karen is a woman who lost her sight and has an incredible vision for a resilient future ”

Finally , don ’ t miss Desired Destinations from page 33 to 39 . This issue Brad Foster will enlighten you with a comprehensive update on what ’ s new , hot and happening in Cairns and the surrounding areas – and highlight top contacts to assist you in the planning process .
See you next time .
P . S . Any suggestions for the magazine going forward or wish to contribute in any way ? I ’ d love to hear from you ! Just e-mail me at editor @ executivepa . com


Claire Muir Editor Executive PA Magazine
08 Executive PA | Winter Issue 2023