Bad Boss : What to do if you work for one , manage one or are one
by Michelle Gibbings
At one time or another we ’ ve all had a bad boss – whether it ’ s through bullying and intimidation , unfair feedback or unrealistic workloads . Their behaviour sets the tone for what ’ s acceptable in an organisation and can cause major issues for productivity , staff turnover and wellbeing , especially during difficult times like we ’ re experiencing now .
In her book , Michelle draws upon decades of experience in corporate leadership to provide a practical transformation guide – EAs if you ’ re in a tough or toxic environment , prepare to challenge your thinking and shift perspective to make relationships work ! Rest assured , she covers all three perspectives ( the direct report , the boss and the boss ’ s boss ) so you can quickly identify where the issue lies , along with reading about and taking actionable steps to turn things around .
The 1-Day Refund by Donna McGeorge
If you ’ re constantly juggling multiple tasks and operating at 100 % ( or more ), if you feel like you ’ re on a treadmill you can ’ t get off and you have zero capacity for anything urgent , you need to get your hands on best-selling author Donna McGeorge ’ s latest release , The 1-Day Refund . As a time-management expert , she ’ ll show you how to recover an extra 15 % of your time . That means 10 minutes per hour , an hour per day or a full day each week to think , breathe , live and work . Wow !
But that ’ s not all – she says that by creating more space , you ’ ll discover a new ability to focus on what ’ s truly important to you …
Can I Have Your Attention ? by Curt Steinhorst
How to Persuade : The skills you need to get what you want
by Michelle Bowden
Every day we ’ re faced with moments where we either win or lose , whether it ’ s trying to convince your boss to approve your leave , secure a business deal or even win an argument with friends . But does anyone know the key to winning most of the time ? It seems you might , with the help of Michelle Bowden ’ s latest release …
Packed with proven techniques and engaging real world examples , you ’ ll learn how to recognise and improve your persuasive strengths and weaknesses , adapt your persuasion style where necessary , build undeniable likeability and trust to compel people to action , arouse passion and enthusiasm for your ideas and , ultimately , persuade anyone , anywhere , anytime .
Are you ready to cut through the noise and get your team away from the many distracting temptations every day ? If so , Curt Steinhorst and Jonathan McKee are about to drill down into the nature of distraction in our constantly connected workplace . They ’ ll reveal the hidden costs , and outline the strategies and systems needed to tackle the problem head on – and get productive results .
The book is packed with simple rules and guidelines that will improve focus and create the mental space needed to enable individuals to work to their full potential . EAs who believe they , their employees or their organisation can be more productive but aren ’ t sure how to get there can learn how to :
■ Take back control of the technology in your organisation and life
■ Establish a ‘ Communication Compact ’ that defines how , when and why a team will communicate with each other
■ Create a ‘ Value ’ to increase productivity , decrease stress and boost creativity
■ Implement a comprehensive organisational strategy to increase focus and overcome digital distraction .
Winter Issue 2023 | Executive PA 65