“ I think a lot of writers make the mistake of getting 90 % of the way there and then they start asking for feedback ,” says Heath . “ And at that point , if you get negative feedback , you can ’ t afford to take it on . Your instinct is going to be to push back and think , ‘ Oh , well that ’ s just nitpicking ’ or ‘ I can ’ t afford to revisit that .’”
The ideal time to seek feedback from your boss
While it may be tempting to wait until completion to present your project to your boss , doing so often limits the potential for growth and improvement says Dr Amantha Imber
Dr Amantha Imber is the Founder of Inventium , Australia ’ s leading behavioural science consultancy . She also hosts an insightful podcast about the habits and rituals of the world ’ s most successful people , called How I Work .
Picture this … You have just finished working on an important presentation that you have to deliver in two days ’ time to your team . You ’ ve spent hours writing and polishing it . And finally , you ’ re feeling like it ’ s in a really good state .
You send the presentation to your boss to look over . You casually ask them to give any feedback they have you . Unexpectedly , they send you a shopping list ’ s worth of criticism ( they also clearly failed to read between the lines and realise that you were really just looking for compliments ). In an instant , you go from feeling confident and proud of your work to feeling miserable . Ouch .
What those feelings mean Feedback received at the wrong time can be extremely demotivating . Dan Heath , the bestselling author of books including Made to Stick , The Power of Moments and Switch , has experienced how demoralising ill-timed feedback can be .
So , when do I ask for feedback then ? Heath says the sweet spot for asking for feedback is roughly at the halfway or 60 % mark : “ Asking for feedback earlier in the process allows you the mental space to really rethink things if necessary ,” he explains .
Scientists have investigated why this might be the case . They found that when people sought feedback on a speech or draft once it was complete , their primary motivation for the input was to seek affirmation – after all , they ’ re only human .
In contrast , when people asked for feedback well before they had finished a project , their main motivation was to improve their work . So , when we can adopt the mindset of striving to improve ( as opposed to just wanting to demonstrate how great we are ), research suggests we are more open to criticism and are thus more likely to embrace the feedback .
The next steps … Instead of waiting until the last minute , make it a habit to seek feedback at earlier stages in your projects . While it may be tempting to wait until you are near completion to present it to your boss or colleagues , doing so often limits the potential for growth and improvement .
Aiming to share your work when it ’ s around 50 % to 60 % complete will demonstrate your willingness to learn and adapt – and it will provide you with the opportunity to genuinely consider and implement suggestions that can elevate your work , instead of leaving you feeling defeated or defensive .
As a seasoned EA , you will know that being open to feedback ( especially early in your career ) sets the stage for continued development and professional growth . This openness to critique and constructive criticism not only leads to improved work but also helps in fostering a growth mindset , which is essential for personal and professional development .
When you prioritise learning and improvement over seeking affirmation , you become more resilient in the face of setbacks and better equipped to handle the inevitable challenges that arise throughout your career . So , embrace feedback , ask for it early and use it as a tool to refine your skills and become the best version of yourself . S
amantha . com
Winter Issue 2023 | Executive PA 59