But , as the world becomes increasingly complex and complicated , your challenge is to recognise what you need to keep yourself safe from overwhelm .
How to keep your workload sustainable
The biggest challenge for many EAs is the sheer workload you ’ re expected to handle . Let Dr Jenny Brockis ( an expert in the science of high-performance thinking , and improving brain health and wellbeing ) help you …
Dr . Jenny Brockis is a medical practitioner specialising in brain health and mental performance in the workplace . She is also the author of Future Brain : The 12 Keys To Creating Your Own High- Performance Brain .
As a busy high-level PA , you will know that heavy workloads can be stressful , although not always in a bad way because that is what you ’ re good at . But there can be a fine line between efficiency and overwhelm , and it ’ s the overwhelm that does damage because over time . That accumulation of extra bits of stress is what , little by little , eats into your capacity to function optimally . And we are often blind to what ’ s happening .
Studies have shown the person at greatest risk of burnout , stress-related illness or mental health challenges ( including anxiety and depression ) is the exhausted , enthusiastic and overextended individual who is in denial ; oblivious to what ’ s happening – probably because you love what you do and it never feels a burden to be asked to step up and do more .
In fact , you may even not-so-secretly love being of service , demonstrating your capabilities , and feeling valued and appreciated for everything you do , because it feels rewarding and you care deeply about your work . And that ’ s OK !
Three ways to check in :
Schedule time to reflect on how much you ’ re currently handling . And honestly ask yourself : “ Is this sustainable ?” If the answer is no , look at what ’ s happening to create too much demand and investigate how you can reduce the load . Do you need to speak with your exec ? Can you streamline processes ? Can you automate more of your work to free up time ?
Keep yourself accountable for your own self-care . What have you identified as your non-negotiables ; those daily activities that ensure you have the energy , drive and positive feelings for your work ? And how well would you rate yourself on these right now ? Because while you might know you feel so much better after a full night ’ s sleep , if your reality is that you can ’ t remember the last time this happened , it ’ s time to reprioritise what ’ s important here . Next , look at what could you be doing differently to nudge you towards being the best version of yourself consistently . Don ’ t worry , this isn ’ t a radical rehaul . Often , it ’ s the smallest of nudges , like giving yourself permission to take a 10-minute walk during your lunchbreak or scheduling a short coffee break with your partner .
Challenge your thoughts . If you ’ re constantly berating yourself for not being ‘ enough ’ ( whichever aspect of enough you subscribe to ) ask yourself , in whose eyes is this true ?
Showing yourself some compassion , being gentle with yourself and remembering the good you ’ ve achieved helps to keep things in perspective , raises your coping skills and makes you happier .
The thing about work is it will always be here . It ’ s a fallacy to believe we can ever be completely on top of everything there is to do . Which is why we take work home in the evenings or over the weekends and why we end up sacrificing those other aspects of our lives ; the non-work part .
Although work plays an important role in our lives ( from being stimulating , challenging and rewarding to paying the bills ), it ’ s only one aspect of you . Remember to tap into what ’ s most important as the lines between work and life blur now more than ever . Ask what it is that gives you the most pleasure , the greatest joy and happiness … Then go do those things . S drjennybrockis . com
Winter Issue 2023 | Executive PA 57