Executive PA Magazine Winter 2023 Executive PA Magazine Winter 2023 | Page 14


BRIEFING Keep up to date with the latest news surrounding the role of the EA

Back in the office : A refresher on the importance of ergonomics

As more Australians return to offices , increasing numbers are facing health issues due to non-supportive work setups , claims Jenny Folley , an expert in appraising office spaces and owner of @ WORKSPACES . In addition , she says achieving the right work setup will keep staff coming back into the office instead of working from home . “ Ergonomics isn ’ t as simple as sitting on a comfortable chair . Most people associate the word with office furniture but the term refers to the study of people ’ s efficiency in their working environment . Ergonomics involves assessing a person ’ s work area to understand their work activities and movements then setting up a workspace that meets their needs .”
Research shows people who work in spaces that lack office ergonomics can suffer from a variety of health complaints ( lower back pain is one of the leading causes of workplace absence in Australia and ergonomic furniture helps with reducing back and neck pain ) and providing a safe and comfortable workspace not only benefits workers , it also minimises the risks to business as well . “ When staff are happy , comfortable and supported with the right tools and furniture , they feel better , are more productive and are likely to stay with the business ,” says Folley .
Here are Jenny ’ s top tips for EAs who need a refresher on ergonomic furniture that provides better support for posture and repetitive movements :
n Ergonomic chairs are fully adjustable to align with your height and workstation , so you can remain in the correct sitting posture at all times . Factor in two points : seat height should be adjustable , and seat width and depth should be sufficient to support you . n Ergonomic desks are designed with comfort and productivity in mind . One of the best options is the sit-stand desk , so that you can take a break from sitting and stay a bit more active . Do check out the treadmill desk too ! n Besides these big items , other assets should feature ergonomic comfort – your keyboard , mouse and lighting , plus stress reducers like plants and air purifiers : “ When talking about office ergonomics , it ’ s not just the individual items , but the big picture . All the different components come together to benefit the team .” S

Job hopping is changing the landscape of employment – what does this mean for the EA ?

Recruitment agency Hays says staff turnover increased for over half ( 58 %) of employers during the last financial year , just after the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed 1.3 million Aussies moved jobs during that time . In addition , over half of Australians have been at their current workplace for less than five years while one in ten have been with the same company for over 20 . Looking specifically at EAs and related roles , job mobility rose from 7 % to 10.3 %.
Mandy Oliver , HR and financial controller manager at Brooks Australia – a Sydney-based company that is bucking the trend with the average worker being employed for more than nine years – says : “ It ’ s important for
HR professionals to understand the reasons behind this trend and take steps to retain their administrative workforce , including creating a positive work environment , and providing opportunities for career growth and development .”
Meanwhile , Chantelle Gauci , EA at Brooks Australia , says : “ While some job hopping may occur in our industry , I believe that the majority of EAs are in it for the long run and are dedicated to building a successful and fulfilling career with their employer .”
Regardless , the statistics – and the associated costs of high turnover ( businesses spend approximately 1.5 times their annual salary on finding a replacement whilst being impacted by a loss of knowledge , skills and productivity , according to the Australian HR Institute ) – suggest retention needs a renewed focus , something an EA could push up the agenda , perhaps ?
Cathy Brand , CEO of Brooks Australia , says it begins with getting things right from the outset : “ Stay connected , actively listen , engage with employees and understand their perspectives . Today ’ s workforce has developed new attitudes . There is a big emphasis on how work fits into their lives including family time , autonomy in their roles and flexibility in where they work .” S
14 Executive PA | Winter Issue 2023