Executive PA Magazine Winter 2023 Executive PA Magazine Winter 2023 | Page 10



Informing , empowering and inspiring EAs worldwide
Editorial editor @ executivepa . com
Dr Amantha Imber
Dr Amantha Imber is the Founder of Inventium , Australia ’ s leading behavioural science consultancy . She also hosts an insightful podcast about the habits and rituals of the world ’ s most successful people , called How I Work .
Dr Jenny Brockis
Dr . Jenny Brockis is a medical practitioner specialising in brain health and mental performance in the workplace . She is also the author of Future Brain : The 12 Keys To Creating Your Own High-Performance Brain .
Michelle Gibbings
Michelle is a change , leadership and career expert and founder of Change Meridian . Michelle works with global leaders and teams to help them get fit for the future of work . She is the author of Step Up : How to Build Your Influence at Work .
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Editor Claire Muir editor @ executivepa . com
Nigel Collin
Dr Lynda Folan
Curt Steinhorst
Director Russell Peacock russell . peacock @ executivepa . com
Nigel is a change and leadership expert helping people and organisations make change happen through small , consistent steps . He is author of Game of Inches , an internationally recognised keynote speaker and executive coach .
Lynda Folan is an organisational psychologist and a specialist in leadership and organisational development . As well as leading companies across the globe through transformational change , she has authored the book Leader Resilience , The New Frontier of Leadership .
ACurt is an author , speaker , business owner and entrepreneur . A distraction expert , he equips professionals across the world – from Fortune 100 companies and global leadership associations to Universities and not-for-profits – to work smarter and stronger .
Advertising Sales Hanako Chua hanako . chua @ executivepa . com
Administration administration @ executivepa . com
Donna McGeorge
Jo Jones
Darren Fleming
Published by SPL Learning & Media PO Box 10137 , Adelaide Street , Brisbane , QLD , 4000
A global authority on productivity and a best-selling author , Donna ’ s book series It ’ s About Time covers meetings , structuring your day and doing more with less .
Winner of Executive PA Media ’ s PA of the Year award in 2017 , Jo Jones is deputy chief of staff at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries . She is responsible for making life easier for senior leaders and is instrumental in helping them getting the job done .
Darren , a behavioural scientist and peak performance specialist , is a speaker , trainer and mentor to senior leaders wanting to master their mindset . With a background in psychology , elite sport and entrepreneurialism he has authored seven books on the topics .
www . executivepa . com
Brad Foster
Tim Stackpool
Karen McCarthy
Brad Foster has been a journalist covering the events sector for many years . He now works as a communications specialist with ICMSA , a writer , and just recently , a radio reporter .
Anthony Carthew
Tech expert Tim is the technology writer for Executive PA Media . He can be heard on talk radio in Australia and is a tech presenter who speaks at conferences and trade shows about technology ’ s impact on work and lifestyle .
Jo Jones
Natalie Kennefick
Having lived experience of loss and disability , Karen is a keynote speaker on resilience , transition and charge . With a legal background , she inspires this profession in particular to leverage their blind determination to build resilience wellbeing .
Nyssa Lambkin
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Anthony is our 2018 PA of the Year Australasia . He is EA to Sydney Opera House CEO , Louise Herron . Among his many responsibilities he is also Protocol Officer , a team leader and more .
Winner of Executive PA Media ’ s PA of the Year award in 2017 , Jo Jones is deputy chief of staff at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries . She is responsible for making life easier for senior leaders .
Natalie is EA to the CEO at Arriba Group , and winner of Up & Coming PA of the Year at the 2018 Executive PA Awards , and runner up for Best Organised Event in 2019 .
Nyssa was an advanced EA at Ernst & Young ( EY ) and our 2017 PA of the Year Australasia . Nyssa now works in Oceania Markets Operations at EY , with the backing of experience in the EA profession .
This publication is produced from sustainable sources and is a recyclable product . We encourage our readers to reduce waste by recycling .
10 Executive PA | Winter Issue 2023