Executive PA Magazine Summer 2021 Executive PA Magazine Summer 2021 | Page 64

Work from anywhere by Alison Hill & Darren Hill
Impact : 10 Ways to Level Up Your Leadership

BOOK REVIEWS Our EA members tell you whether these top titles are worth a read


Work from anywhere by Alison Hill & Darren Hill

To office , or not to office ? Remote work and flexible work practices are not new concepts ; however , COVID-19 has driven our work to be more regularly digital by default — our workplaces , communication and collaboration tools , practices , and modes have evolved to ‘ work from anywhere ’ ( WFA ) practices as the new norm .
But this is much more than a new logistics approach . Alison and Darren Hill from Pragmatic Thinking have , through the new COVID-19 workplace , reviewed , redefined , and lived the norm-breaking ideas of a high performing hybrid team to navigate this new work communication quagmire . They have beautifully identified , through simple tips and tools , how to evaluate , strengthen and reconstruct skill development areas to keep up with the needs of WFA and stay current .
By outlining an ongoing , and at times uncomfortable and challenging , journey of change and adaptation to the way we think ( psychology ), connect ( methodology ) and work ( technology ), they successfully provide a written coaching guide to manage this ongoing journey of working autonomously and realigning communication standards to maintain performance excellence .
‘ The essential guide to becoming a world class hybrid team ’ by the Hill ’ s can undoubtedly guide and challenge you to the right hybrid model for working successfully — agnostic to location .
Naomi Spinks is an EA at Inland Rail

Impact : 10 Ways to Level Up Your Leadership

by Rebecca Houghton
Personally , I feel like this book explained exactly where I am in my career currently . A middle manager who isn ’ t necessarily looking to become a C-Suite leader but still requires the training and experience to effectively manage a productive team .
Impact starts by explaining why we need to invest in our leaders and the way in which this needs to be done . There is a leadership gap that is quickly growing as the original cohort of Baby Boomers retire and Millennials start taking their place . I was able to take a lot from the author when she discussed pace and how to control it , so leaders aren ’ t left feeling burnt out or panicked . When pace is managed leaders and / or teams can be more productive .
As clearly stated on the cover , it guides you through ten practical tools to use on a daily basis within the workplace . This book is such a fantastic resource for both the new and experienced assistant — it could even be left on your boss ’ s desk for ideas on how to help you develop further .
Impact has a wealth of practical examples and is written in an easy to read format . I am already seeing results since putting my newfound skills into practice .
Catherine Keys is a PA at Happy Peeps Pty Ltd
64 Executive PA | Summer Issue 2021