“ Many people think having parameters and constraints stops them finding the best solution and inhibits their thinking , but the opposite is true .”
The value of thinking inside the box and not outside the box
As a young creative director many years ago , I spent time learning organisational creativity at Disney . One of the things I have never forgotten was to think inside the box . Yes … you read that right . Let Nigel Collin explain .
Nigel Collin is a change and leadership expert helping people and organisations make change happen through small consistent steps . He is author of ‘ Game of Inches ’, an Internationally recognised keynote speaker and executive coach .
It ’ s one thing to know what problem you are trying to solve or opportunity you are trying to leverage . Whether it is how to create the best event experience , or how to step up to the next rung on your career ladder , or whatever area of professional development you want to focus on . Clarity of what you are trying to achieve is everything . A common trait of successful executive assistants is they are geniuses at finding problems or opportunities ( known as gaps ) that if addressed create massive benefits .
However , finding a gap is one thing , but understanding the constraints and parameters attached to it is another . In other words , what are the boundaries and parameters you need to work within ? These are things such as budget , deadlines , resources , lack of resources , policies and procedures , staffing , and legislations .
The box is a symbol where each side represents a parameter or a constraint that you need to work within . It ’ s a reminder that to come up with ingenious ideas and solutions you need to stay within the parameters . In other words , you need to think inside the box and not outside it . Otherwise , any ideas you have won ’ t be viable or doable .
Many people think having parameters and constraints stops them finding the best solution and inhibits their thinking , but the opposite is true . The more you define and understand your boundaries the easier it is for you to find a solution .
Think of it this way . If you need to brainstorm ideas for an upcoming event you wouldn ’ t just throw ideas around a room without understanding what resources you have . For example , what the event objective is , what your budget is , who is your audience , what COVID-19 restrictions do you need to work with . Without knowing these things , it is hard to come up with ideas because your mind wanders off and starts blue-skying ( a term used to define ideas with no purpose ).
The chances are any of your ideas will be ineffective . Knowing the parameters gives you clear direction and as a result gets you solving problems creatively .
Another reason people often feel restricted when parameters are involved is , they view them as barriers . Again , let ’ s go back to the event example . If you have $ 10,000 as the budget some people will instantly tell themselves that you can ’ t create an event for $ 10,000 . However , knowing this is your budget you can then ask , “ How can you hold an event for this much ?” or “ How can you approach potential sponsors and partners ?”
Not only will this method get you laser focused but it will help ensure your ideas will be viable , useful and actionable . By the way … depending on the situation , how many sides the box has may have vary ( 2 to 6 is optimum ). S www . nigelcollin . com . au
Summer Issue 2021 | Executive PA 53