Executive PA Magazine Summer 2021 Executive PA Magazine Summer 2021 | Page 48


BOARDING PASS All the latest news for the busy EA organising corporate travel

Book now and travel to Fiji this December !

Frank Bainimarama , the Prime Minister of Fiji , made the international border announcement on Sunday 10 October on Fiji National Day .
Travelers from the approved countries must have spent 10 days in an approved country of residence prior to travelling to Fiji from 1 December . The list of approved countries includes Australia , New Zealand , United States of America , United Kingdom , the United Arab Emirates , Canada , Qatar , Germany , Spain , France , the Republic of Korea , Singapore , Switzerland , Japan and most Pacific Island Countries and Territories .
Other COVID Safe conditions include : w Travellers aged 18 years + must be fully vaccinated w Travellers aged 12 years + must show a negative PCR test 72 hours prior departure w Download the CareFiji app upon arrival in Fiji w No quarantine is required on arrival ; however , guests will need to stay in the hotel precinct for the first 48 hours , then return a negative result via a rapid test . Travellers will then be free to move around dedicated Safe Travel Areas and engage in offsite excursions , activities and tours .
Marriott International also announced that they are preparing to progressively re-open their suite of luxury Fijian resorts and villas to coincide with the Fijian Government ’ s advice that fully vaccinated travellers .
Neeraj Chadha , Multiple Vice President – Fiji & Samoa , Marriott International said , “ We are delighted with [ the ] announcement made by the Fiji Prime Minister . We are very proud to begin preparations to re-open our world-class luxury holiday resorts and villas spread across the majestic Fiji Islands . Marriott International is … delighted to be able to commence bookings for our portfolio of resorts .”
For further information visit the Fiji Government website . S

Rex brings backs the Boeing 737s

From November 15 , 2021 , Regional Express airlines is preparing to bring back Boeing 737 intercity jet services . After four months of flights being suspended due to lockdowns and border closures , the fleet will be back flying between Sydney , Melbourne and Canberra . Rising vaccination rates and the easing of travel restrictions will see the aviation industry surge towards recovery after a tumultuous two years . Rex said in a statement that its intrastate services will resume from the Gold Coast and Adelaide “ once the vaccination rates in these states reach the 80 % level .” Prior to the airline having to suspend its fleet , it announced plans to add four more Boeing 737s to its existing fleet of six in order to expand to new destinations and “ other capital cities , large regional centres and popular leisure destinations .”
But after a reported $ 12.7 million loss in the 2021 financial year , deputy chairman John Sharp said the airline has had to push back the delivery until mid 2022 . S
48 Executive PA | Summer Issue 2021