Executive PA Magazine Summer 2021 Executive PA Magazine Summer 2021 | Page 21

If you happen to be at the receiving end of the verbose individual ’ s call make note of the points covered and say something like , “ I ’ ve got five points noted here Mr Smith . Are there any others ?” You can tell the caller your boss has just come to your desk and wishes to see you , there is an overseas call for you on another line , etc . You can use your imagination to come up with more excuses . However , diplomacy , discretion and discipline are required in situations like these . You don ’ t ask verbose individuals how their weekends were or you may get their life stories . Instead , after you greet them ask something along the lines of , “ How can I help you this morning Mr Thompson ?”
Rather than making phone calls on and off throughout the day it saves time if you bunch all your outgoing calls together and make them all at once , preferably just before lunch or leaving time . Another timewaster is being left on hold while the other person searches for a file or for someone else to come to the phone . To deal with this problem you can obtain a shoulder apparatus or use a speaker phone so your hands are free to do other work , such as screening the post , reading , checking your to do list , etc .
Do not waste time looking for phone numbers . Memorise numbers you phone frequently and keep an up-to-date list of the numbers you haven ’ t committed to memory . This list can be conveniently stored in your personal computer or somewhere in your desk .
Improved technology has given the telephone a tremendous boost as an effective communication technique . There ’ s memory storage , redial , call forward , call waiting , conference call , etc . Learn about all the features available and use them to save you more time . Sometimes you may find a more effective way to use the fax machine or electronic mail .
INADEQUATE PLANNING Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done , how it is to be done , who will do it , when it will be done and how much it is going to cost . Executive secretaries carry out many management functions and planning is the primary one . Ideally a company has an overall plan , commonly called a mission statement . When there is an overall plan it is easier to have regional , divisional and departmental plans . It is important to see how your objectives are contributing to your boss and the department ’ s plans .
Many people don ’ t plan because they say it takes up too much time . However , research tells us that time spent in planning is compensated for many times over in the execution of those plans . Some don ’ t plan because they say they operate in a crisis mode , i . e . they are continuously firefighting . There is no necessity to operate in a crisis mode . If crisis seems to be a way of life in your department then there should be more analyses of the crises as recommended in an earlier part of this article . Some secretaries are discouraged from planning because of the frequent changes made to their plans by their bosses . Naturally , it ’ s annoying but plans sometimes have to be changed because of a change in the boss ’ s , department ’ s or company ’ s priorities . Besides , good plans have a certain amount of flexibility and can withstand some changes . Even with changes you accomplish more in a day that is planned than one that is unplanned .
Many executive secretaries use the ABC technique when planning . The A items have to be completed today , the B items within 2 days and the C items within 1 week . This type of system helps planning . The golden rule with planning is that you and your boss agree on the priorities . Plans are merely good intentions unless committed to writing . Many secretaries use a ‘ to do ’ list . One of the problems with ‘ to do ’ lists is that many of today ’ s items are transferred on to tomorrow ’ s ‘ to do ’ list . This happens because of a lack of deadlines and this requires self-discipline . Prioritising is another essential ingredient for an effective ‘ to do ’ life . So , your ‘ to do ’ list should looks something like this ( Table A ).
The ‘ to do ’ list should be utilised throughout the day . If you keep using it conscientiously , you will experience immense pleasure derived from crossing out an item once it has been completed . A complete ‘ to do ’ list or daily planner looks something like this ( Table B ).
Table B : To Do List
Meet with boss ( APL ) and agree plan and priorities for day
Open and distribute post . Notify APL of anything requiring
immediate attention Complete agenda for departmental meeting on Thursday ,
type it and distribute to all participants Finalise travel arrangements for APL ’ s business trip to Germany
Attend staff meeting
Continue updating client files on the PC
Make and return phone calls
LUNCH Type section 4 of the market research report
Prepare new job description outlining all new responsibilities
since last update Visit personnel dept . to discuss changes in job description
as jointly agreed with APL Review tomorrow ’ s plans to have it ready for discussion
and confirmation by APL Take and return phone calls
Unfortunately , our daily plans don ’ t always go as we would like them . Other more pressing matters may occur and you may have to change your priorities . If that happens , change the priority number and the deadline time on your ‘ to do ’ list . Your boss may also wish to change your priorities , hopefully , with good reason . Needless changing of priorities can result in a crisis .
Many executive secretaries have more than one boss and this introduces special problems . Of course , each boss says that their work is more important than the others . If the multiple bosses do not have an agreement on their priorities you are then placed in the unnecessarily stressful situation of prioritising the work , for them . They should have a consensus as to whose work needs to be completed first so that you can get on with your job and plan accordingly .
If the three timewasters covered are problems for you , you should now be in a positon to deal with them more effectively . Remember that good time management requires self-discipline but it makes life a lot less stressful . S
Summer Issue 2021 | Executive PA 21