CAREER Professional development tips for executive-level PAs
Questions to ask your interviewer after COVID-19
How to rebuild morale in your own team
A job interview has always been a two-way conversation . While the interviewer wants to get a clear picture of your skills , experience and suitability for the role , you ’ re also assessing whether this is an organisation in which you can succeed and thrive . So , when the interviewer says , “ Do you have any questions for me ?”, you need to use this opening to delve into what you deem important to your future success . Asking some of the following questions will help ensure you ’ re setting yourself up for career success :
w “ What were your key learnings from the COVID-19 crisis , both from a business and a leadership perspective ?” No organisation has been left unchanged from the coronavirus pandemic . Mistakes will have inevitably been made , but it ’ s how organisations and their leaders learn from those lessons , and crucially , take what they ’ ve learnt into the future that matters the most .
w “ What are the strategic priorities of the organisation and have these changed due to the crisis ? How does this role support in achieving them ?” To effectively support an executive , you need to understand what the organisation ’ s new strategic priorities are .
w “ What is your management style when leading hybrid teams ? Are there any best practices that you live by ?” The rise of hybrid teams is new territory for many executives and will bring new challenges , so understand how they are leading them and if they learnt any lessons from the extended period of remote leadership during lockdown .
w “ How do you ensure the organisational culture is maintained when working in a hybrid way ?” A hybrid way of working brings many challenges . So , understand what steps the organisation is taking to maintain its culture in a hybrid environment , such as regular catch ups or ensuring all communication lines are open and inclusive . S
Alex Jones is Senior Regional Director at Hays Office Support
Teams , offices , and workplaces all over the globe have been radically shaken this year . So , how do we rebuild team morale ?
Well , re-entry will be the name of the game . Your team is looking for guidance and leadership on how to work smarter , not harder .
You will need to communicate with your team . It ’ s important to communicate individually , as best you can . Check in , give them space to talk about their experience : let them talk to you .
Which brings us into part two of the process : effective communication is led by listeners .
Ask your organisation , your team , and your employees what they want , need and feel . You may not agree with the answers but it will tell you a lot about where the temperature of the group is sitting . Organise a non-work get-together . Our PCs and laptops are now an integral part of our workflow , but there are systems and platforms that will allow people to disconnect from their work brain and reconnect with their human one .
Facilitate an engaging social experience as a show of gratitude to your team . This will also allow your remote employees and in-person employees to stay connected and engaged , minimising the dreaded ‘ silo effect ’.
Do something to develop , nurture , and encourage trust . Working from home has given a lot of people unprecedented levels of autonomy . A seamless transition back into a post-COVID world will respect and encourage autonomy . Less micromanaging , fewer meetings , and more goalbased workflows will help facilitate feelings of trust between managers and employees .
While these techniques are not new , they are more important now than ever to employ with the goal of seamlessly navigating the reintegration of ( some ) employees back into the workforce in a post-COVID 2020 . S
Andy Balzat is Director and Senior Facilitator at Banana Life
66 Chief of Staff | Issue 2 2020