Thriving through tough times
COVID-19 hasn ’ t exactly made life easy for a lot of people . While many are enjoying the benefits that have come with these uncertain and rapidly changing times , most are battling challenges or overcoming complexities they now face .
Karen Gately , founder of Corporate Dojo , is a leadership and people-management specialist . Karen works with leaders and HR teams to drive results through the talent and energy of people .
Feeling overwhelmed , anxious , stressed , tired , isolated , lonely , and generally lacking in energy are common impacts of this pandemic . As an executive assistant you ’ re likely to be stretched thin to support your boss and colleagues . For most leaders , they ’ re not only needing to adapt to new ways of working themselves , but also their business and teams to enable sustainability through these times . The impact that has on the role of many EAs is significant . Long hours , tight deadlines , and stressful processes are common .
Whether you are struggling to work effectively at home , to juggle your role and family responsibilities , or even just feel motivated to work when getting out of your pyjamas has become a challenge , know that you are far from alone . Most people are living a version of reality right now that is far from ideal .
Sadly , Beyond Blue and Lifeline are reporting a dramatic increase in the number of people who reach out to them for help . Given an alarming 60 % of people do not ask for help when they need it , contemplate just how many more people are struggling alone or in silence .
Irrespective of how tough life gets , there are steps we can take to give ourselves the best possible chance of getting through with our mental and physical health intact . Priority number one is making our wellbeing matter . Reflect for a moment on how well you perform your job when tired or stressed . And to what extent are you able to focus and deal with frustrations when energised ?
Once you have decided thriving is your intention , you need to sign up to making that happen . Avoiding unmanageable levels of stress , anxiety , and ultimately a burnout , comes down to the choices you make about what you focus on and invest your time , energy , and resources in . So , don ’ t just say to yourself a daily walk would make a big difference , hold yourself accountable to making that consistently happen .
Be aware of how your thinking is impacting your ability to maintain a healthy mind and body . Do you tell yourself you don ’ t have time to take a break from your computer screen because deadlines are looming ? You ’ re actually more likely to meet tight deadlines if you give yourself the opportunity to recharge . Even if it ’ s just for 10 minutes — take the time to stop , get outside , get a glass of water , or have a laugh with someone .
Another common cause of stress is perfectionism . Are the benchmarks you ’ re setting or accepting for yourself reasonable ? There is only so much you can do when faced with an overwhelming workload . Keep communicating with your manager about their priorities and have the courage to talk to them about your own priorities and the support you need .
Focus on what you can control . If your manager is highly strung , avoid buying into their emotions and placing further pressure on yourself . If you are used to getting everything done ahead of the deadline , accept that may not be possible and adjust the expectations you have of yourself and those around you .
Be creative about how you can find the time to do some of the things that help you unwind and de-stress . While social distancing and lockdown laws have limited many of our options , don ’ t allow that to be a barrier to doing what gives you energy . For example , you may not have the opportunity to be surrounded by the colleagues you find energising if you ’ re working from home , so make the effort to pick up the phone or jump onto a Zoom call to have a casual chat about how life is treating them . S
www . corporatedojo . com
Issue 2 2020 | Chief of Staff 53