Executive PA Australasia April May 2018 | Page 12

NEWS BR IEFING Keep up-to-date with the latest news surrounding the role of the PA The new working week? Big Brother at work? Your employer may already include wearable devices as part of a wellness programme to encourage tracking of health outcomes – but what about systems that keep an eye on performance? Two Canadian companies were recently granted patents to have employees wearing wristbands that – through ultrasonic sound pulses and other clever tech – monitor how they perform their assigned tasks. Obviously a big tick in the efficiency box, and potentially safety too, depending on the work environment, systems like these are also highly controversial as individuals could feel micromanaged at a time when they “Sensors on the device noted who each employee spoke to, where in the office they went and even the emotion in their voice, though they didn’t track the specific words” 12 Chief of Staff | April/May 2018 want to feel empowered. In fact, recent research by TalkTalk Business revealed that, whilst more than half (53 per cent) of employees are up for using wearable tech to boost their own productivity at work, three quarters (74 per cent) said a firm no to the device being used to monitor performance. So, if your company is considering piloting something like this, staff buy-in is essential – be upfront about how the data will be used and build trust with the team by showing you keep promises and prioritise their interests. Deloitte Canada did just this when determining the effectiveness of its workplace renovations. It piloted tracking devices that helped determine whether their new office spaces improved collaboration and, because of how it was framed, employees were extremely eager to get involved. When they did, sensors on the device noted who each employee spoke to, where in the office they went and even the emotion in their voice, though they didn’t track the specific words. Work/life balance and flexible working are hot topics, and, from next year, German workers will have a new opportunity. Those working at many of the top engineering firms (the likes of Bosch, which already boasts around 100 work-life models to ensure optimum balance) can opt for a 28-hour working week for up to two years, before returning to the standard 35-hour week. The union- led arrangement gives flexibility for employees who want to care for children or relatives – and their pay will reflect this. But the option to work 40 hours to earn more is there, too. Although there are concerns over labour shortages, it’s expected many employees will choose to work longer and earn more, which, in turn, will give the economy a boost. Similar deals are expected in other sectors and regions, too – could this arrangement be hitting your office any time soon? What’ll be on your CV in 2030? Trend forecasters Foresight Factory and PageGroup recently revealed that, as a result of emerging trends and tech, the skills, experiences and achievements highlighted on future CVs could look rather different – the potential 2030 CV includes an anonymous ID number and personal imprint; information about your practical experience working with chatbots and human interface technology; your ‘advanced learning ability score,’ and your ‘social impact rating.’ Better get chatting to your colleagues to boost that social score!