Executive PA Australasia April May 2018 | Page 10

NEWS BR IEFING Keep up-to-date with the latest news surrounding the role of the PA Is boasting bad for business? Dealing with deadlines Deadlines aren’t going anywhere, especially when you’re an EA, but how you deal with them can define your success and reputation. John Cole, a productivity and work/life balance expert, says researchers have shown that the more complex the task, the sooner the deadline feels, so he shares his top techniques on meeting that target, every time: w Clarify expectations – your boss will expect something done in a certain way, whilst you have your own expectations – identify both to create a realistic schedule then prioritise and evaluate to put the deadline into realistic context. w Get equipped – deadlines often come without warning, making it tempting to leap straight in. But without the resources to fulfil the task, a project will suffer from interruptions, inconsistencies and gaps. If you’re given the tools you need before you get stuck in, everyone will benefit. w Create deadlines within deadlines – a deadline with no subdivisions is pretty meaningless, so create a ‘critical path 10 Chief of Staff | April/May 2018 analysis diagram,’ which assigns each element of your workflow its own expected duration – it’s basically a time-map of everything that you need to do to reach the final deadline. w Be realistic – factor in every possibility and don’t over-estimate – how many hours you can work for without the quality dipping? What impact will your other responsibilities have? Factor in a contingency period while you’re cooking up your schedule and balance it against the known variables in your routine and environment. w Eliminate distractions – the key is to protect large enough chunks of time to achieve and maintain your flow, so delegate where possible, have a word with your superior if you need a bit more space to focus, and deal with distractions within your control, like reducing e-mail access for certain time periods. w Don’t over-commit – if you take on more work than you can handle, your results will start to suffer and everybody loses – s