Executive Decisions ed teams 2012 | Page 40

T o p Ti ps f o r P e r s on a l P r es en tat i o n • Be yourself • Don’t be a slave to trends • Tailored styles are strong and look together • Great bag, great shoes (not your Saturday night shoes) • Keep your cottons crisp • Well manicured hands • Eye contact “We love to have fun with our dressing,” Sophie says. “It’s about great cuts, beautiful fabrics and a quirky detail that will give you the edge.” Along with its seasonal collection, Mr. Rose has just launched its new shirt “Bust-a-Move,” a made-to-order shirt according to ones bust size. So now women of all bust sizes can wear a fabulous white shirt without the pull, gape and need for extra press studs. “We really back the white shirt as an essential staple to all working women’s 38 l executive decisions wardrobes,” says Sophie. “One of the clear issues with shirts and women is the bustline, some women just can’t buy off the rack shirts, so our Busta-Move shirt now offers a solution to women who have put shirting in the too hard basket.” Women from all over the world may now order their very own Bust-a-Move shirt via the newly revamped online shirting marketplace www.mrrose.com.au and have it delivered to their door or desk within four weeks. It works like this: • Select your Bust-a-Move shirt available in seven different Italian fabrics • Give your body size (size 4 to 22) • Give your body type (petite, regular and tall) • Give your bust size • Bud: a starting point, you can generally fit into off the rack shirts • Blossom: if you have to reach for the fashion tape or safety pins to “close the gap” • Bloom: if you have to go up a size in shirts to make sure the shirt will fit across your bust • Full Bloom: if there is no way in hell you have ever been able to buy a fitted shirt off the rack and have long since banished this staple from your wardrobe Then voila, [?H?[?H????[??H?X]??]H?\?B???[][?]B?[???]?X][???X]]Y?[?\??[???\?\?\?????H\?[???\?B??\?]?H???Y[??\?YX\?^B??Y?Y[?Y?Y[Y[??]?\??????X??\???Y?^K??]H ? ???\?[???\?H?^?YHYX\???\?????X??\????Y\???[??[?????Y[??H??\?Y?[?Y?Y??Y[???[XY?[?H?YY[????????[?\??Y]??]??[????X\?\?H??Y[???X[H?^\?Y[??H8?'??[????X\??'B?[???Z?H[???\????] ?YY?[??]\?Y?H??[?Y?\?????X??\???Y?^H[? ?  ?H[?\?[X^?[?X[H?[??H??[?Y\??????\??[?H[? M? ??Y[?HYX\???\?]?????\????X??\??????Y?^B??