T o p Ti ps f o r P e r s on a l
P r es en tat i o n
• Be yourself
• Don’t be a slave to trends
• Tailored styles are strong and
look together
• Great bag, great shoes (not
your Saturday night shoes)
• Keep your cottons crisp
• Well manicured hands
• Eye contact
“We love to have fun with our dressing,”
Sophie says. “It’s about great cuts,
beautiful fabrics and a quirky detail that
will give you the edge.”
Along with its seasonal collection,
Mr. Rose has just launched its new
shirt “Bust-a-Move,” a made-to-order
shirt according to ones bust size. So
now women of all bust sizes can wear
a fabulous white shirt without the pull,
gape and need for extra press studs.
“We really back the white shirt as an
essential staple to all working women’s
executive decisions
wardrobes,” says Sophie. “One of the
clear issues with shirts and women is
the bustline, some women just can’t
buy off the rack shirts, so our Busta-Move shirt now offers a solution to
women who have put shirting in the too
hard basket.”
Women from all over the world may
now order their very own Bust-a-Move
shirt via the newly revamped
online shirting marketplace
www.mrrose.com.au and have
it delivered to their door or desk
within four weeks.
It works like this:
• Select your Bust-a-Move shirt
available in seven different Italian
• Give your body size (size 4 to 22)
• Give your body type (petite, regular
and tall)
• Give your bust size
• Bud: a starting point, you can
generally fit into off the rack shirts
• Blossom: if you have to reach for the
fashion tape or safety pins to “close
the gap”
• Bloom: if you have to go up a size
in shirts to make sure the shirt will fit
across your bust
• Full Bloom: if there is no way in hell
you have ever been able to buy a
fitted shirt off the rack and have long
since banished this staple from your
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