Exclusif Entertainment August 2014, Issue 5 | Page 18
Carolyn Robinson
Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will
set you free.” ― Eckhart Tolle
What is going on with all the pretending in
the world? Why are we so afraid to be
ourselves? We think our hair needs to be
longer, so we wear wigs and glue hair pieces on
our heads. We think our noses are too big, so
we get them surgically trimmed and shaped.
We think our breasts are too small so we fill
them with silicone or saline or kickapoo joy
juice for all I know. There is always something
that we are not satisfied with; something that
we feel the need to improve upon.
God, however, is a perfect God and all the
works of His hands are perfect. Whatever it is
we think we are lacking, we need only to
connect with our authentic selves to find all that
is good and waiting to be exposed to the world
in all its glory. Connecting with our "true self"
helps us to connect to that part of us that is
hidden from the world, the inner us. That
Exclusif Entertainment
August 201 4
Theater Director, Producer, Writer
Founder & Director of
"All That Drama"
Baltimore, Maryland
thing inside of us isn't self-absorbed; doesn't
need compliments, isn't concerned with all
the extra-ness that our fleshly self requires.
That special inner self, as Marianne
Williamson said, is "beautiful beyond
measure". Why not take a few minutes to
write down all the things you like about who
you are. Not just the outward appearance,
but list your true attributes,what you were
gifted with on the inside. Once you have
identified that person, the real you, then see
how you can add to that being. Only then,
when you get to the truth about yourself, can
you live a truly fulfilled authentic life.
"There is always something
that we are not satisfi