Exchange to Change | September 2015 | Page 6
Hervé Kokora Kouandé | Ivory
Master of Development Evaluation
Wade Watkins | Oklahoma, USA
Master of Governance and Development | 2003
Management | 2006
Where do you work?
Passionate about and why?
I am Sr. Consultant, M&E and
Management Consulting (owner)
and I am working on international
development projects implemented
by INGOs and UN Agencies in
developing countries, mainly in Africa.
In particular, I help organizations
to design their programs (strategic
planning), establish Performance
Monitoring Tools and System
(including the design of indicators
and M&E plan), conduct studies
aiming to enhance the role of women
in development, as well as their
empowerment (gender studies) and
evaluate the impact of their programs.
I am passionate about development
and humanitarian interventions
targeting vulnerable people, especially
women and children. In that line,
I am proud to see that some top
sports women are involved actively
to promote the role of women
in development through their
involvement in development issues.
For instance, they are participating in
those issues as ambassadors for many
development organizations, involved in
TV spots to promote education of girls,
the role of women or to fight against
poverty, Aids, malnutrition…
Wamaitha Kimani |