Exchange to Change Sept 2017 20170911 E2C zomer web | Page 13
IOB Master
skills, we finally reached the house of the first respondent. We
were warmly welcomed by my interviewee’s husband, a middle
aged man wearing Lungi (traditional Bengali male attire) and
Gamcha (handmade traditional cotton towel). Being in a rural
area, close to nature and meeting these modest people reminded
me of my childhood in my grandparents’ village. Jahanara
(pseudonym for my respondent) introduced us to her sons and
mother-in-law and we started the interview with her and her
In the interview, which lasted about an hour, Jahanara gave me
comprehensive explanations about her decision to migrate, her
life as a female migrant worker in Middle Eastern countries, the
reasons for her return and the impact of migration on her family’s
well-being. Although some parts of our talk had been heart-
touching, it ended in a very good atmosphere and Jahanara’s
family even invited us to join them for the iftar (evening meal at
the end of the fasting day). Unfortunately, we had to decline as
we had appointments with some other respondents.
Reviewing the records and notes of this first interview in the car
increased my enthusiasm and curiosity to hear the migration
experiences of these women. Undoubtedly, Jahanara’s story was
a perfect kick-off for my fieldwork. The rest of the day was spent
on roads and conducting two other interviews. Eventually, we
managed to come back to Dhaka on time for the iftar with our
E xchange to change S eptember 2017