Exchange to Change May 2017 20170524 EtC mei 2017-web | Page 10
Gerald Bareebe | Uganda
Ugandans managed to access the
that 6.4 million youth voters will be
E2C: Could you provide some
background with regards to the
blocked platforms.
added onto the national register by
reasons and origin of the activism
2021, it is important that we mobilize
that you take/took part in in
E2C: Why did you engage in this
and engage the youth to understand
Uganda? I have been involved in
activism? In Uganda, the repressive
issues that affect them. And they
activities aimed at promoting
environment for the media and
cannot know which policies will serve
democracy and human rights in
freedom of speech has left too many
them better unless they have some
Uganda. With my colleagues, I have
citizens woefully uninformed about
understanding of candidates’ policies
worked to spread informatio