EXCERPT FROM BETRAYED - A romantic suspense novel | Page 30

MORGAN ST. JAMES about Nancy Drew. Those kids were so sure some of the neighbors had committed awful crimes, they often strutted around acting like little amateur detectives, stalking one family and then another. More than one irate neighbor had come knocking on her door and the doors of the other kids in Mary Margaret’s club. One furious woman even threatened to call the police if they didn’t control their daughters. She rubbed her knuckles against her pounding temples, then stood up and smoothed her skirt. “I’ve got to get over to the police station to file the report. You be good while I’m gone.” Mary Margaret jumped up from her chair. “Mama, I want to go with you.” “Nonsense.” Maude headed for the door. “You’re just a kid. You don’t need to see the likes of this. No, you stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Somehow, she wasn’t at all surprised when Mary Margaret insisted, “I’m going to go, Mama. Maybe I’ll remember things you don’t.” She groaned and headed for the hall. “You just want those friends of yours in the Nancy Drew Club to be jealous. I mean, you going to a real police station and all. Well, young lady, forget about it.” Mary Margaret kept her voice level. “You’re wrong, Mama. It’s not about going to a real police station, no matter what you think. Laurie’s my sister and I want to help.” When her daughter broke out in bitter tears Maude relented, admitting to herself she’d be glad for the company. A quick look in the mirror over the buffet reflected a drawn face with deep creases rippling across her forehead like a sandy riverbed. Her mouth had become a thin slash in a mound of sagging flesh. “Baby, you know how Laurie has been for the last year, but I hope you understand—whatever I did, it was for her own good. Sometimes when she looks at me, I think, ‘If looks killed, I’d be 24