EXCEED November/December 2018 Vol 35 No:6 | Page 12

The President gave a reminder of the next Exceed magazine coming out shortly and welcomed contributions. Driver Training​​ : Proficiency course in November received strong positive feedback from participants. Navigation course in November was well-attended. A certified chainsaw course will be run March 23​ rd​ and 24​ th​ 2019. All future courses can be found on the DTU website and in the Exceed magazine. Shop​​ : Paul gave a presentation of the newer items available through the Club shop, and then made these available for sale during the supper break. 4WD Vic Alan mentioned the recent Annual General Meeting 4WDVic that he and Neil Phillips attended. There has been a change of the 4WDV leadership, resignation of 4WDVic from the National Association, and changes to the Insurance policy covering members and leaders. The President spoke briefly about the Insurance that comes with Pajero Club membership and said that full details were available as a PDF document for those interested. Pajero Challenge 2019: Anyone interested in helping should see Terry Birch or Russell Chatfield. Car boot sale​​ – inactive due to rain, but back next month. There were no resolutions and no voting at this meeting. Raffle and door prize: Dash camera Narva light LED light and headlight Camp book Bluetooth light Table Clothes line Stubby holder Cup Torch Wine cover Meeting closed:​​ 9:30pm Poul Hansen Nancy Miller Baby Thomas Colin Hopwood Gary Appleby Liz Reams Peter Cogdon Jenny Baker Ed Reddick Mike Kony Mary Cogdon 1899 182 1908 1247 1889 1179 1426 1787 1623 1872 1426